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Messages - eric_sp

Hm... I've searched for walkthroughs and found the name, it was No-Action Jackson, a classic of the AGS, the game that made we want to do games in AGS - thought I never could anything decent!

Anyway, thanks, I'll not delete my posts and leave this game as a recomendation!
I'm looking for a game, which name I forgot.

You played a nerdy boy who wanted to play rpg with his friends, but they couldn't, so he had to make'em! One of this friends had to take a karate class, and then the character had to wear some karate clothes (kimono) and take his friend out while something distracted the teacher - or something like that. There were scenarios like a rpg stuff store, the boy's house, a karate dojo, a gym, the streets, etc.
Can't find it anywhere.

Me memory says the game's name was something like "no ordinary joe", but I didn't find anything like that!
Hi, I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Actually Sao Paulo shouldn't be written the way I did, it's supposed to be São Paulo, but this character must be strange on europe-usa computers)
First of all, i want to set my flag on South America map, 'coz there's no one from Sao Paulo in there, even if there're brazilians there.
Second, i do not love games. I just like them. I'm not a eletronic games fanatic, nor a cartoon fanatic. I think there's only two things I really love: music and soccer (even if I play really bad). About music, i like lots of stuff, but i keep myself in the alternative rock scene. My favorite band is The Clash, but i do like Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros, Husker Du, Minutemen, Ramones, The Jam, fIREHOSE, Weezer, Cheap Trick, NY Ska Jazz Ensemblem (and similars), The Specials, etc. I'd talk about some brazilians bands, but everything people knows about brazilian music is bossa nova (i hate it, it's a elitist style of music).
Third, I must admit that adventure games are really incredible, 'cause it let's the creator of the game, develop any kind of situation, any story, any plot, from a stylish funny cartoon, to a cold wars plot against usa (yeah, i do hate usa government, actual and past ones, but i guess i can't be blamed for that).

I guess one of the reasons for me to hate so much the elits, and lots of other stuffs, is the fact that i'm still a teenager (sixteen and a half). Also i've been certainly influenced by Orwell-Camus literature. Actually I'd like to use the 1984 plot to make an adventure game, but i guess that's kind hard for a newbie like me.
In fact, i didn't even installed the AGS yet on my computer. I downloaded it a couple of days ago, less then a week.

My first adventure game is going to be related to a teenage kid, kind of a rebel, that hates his government, a high school student that have pretty good grades, but it's not a nerd geek, etc. I'll try to use comedy, but making all the sprites for that, is going to be really hard.
Any time I need help I'll come here (of course, after checking the Know-How).
I have a little experience on flash action script, that's really similar to visual basic. I took a look at the tutorials, and the AGS script seemed simple, but you never know, right?
I also have experience with html, and webdesign-graphics, i guess this might help me.

Well, I guess I already wrote enough. I'm off now.
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