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Messages - faerieevenstar

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 15/10/2014 12:48:09
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I didn't get any adventure games so I bought myself some on Steam- Metal Dead and A Golden Wake. :grin:
I'm trying to remember which computer it was... I see we have a flatbed scanner, which should help identify the sort of time. If I was about 13 it should be around 1996 ish.

What is annoying me the most is trying to squint at what the CD cases are. I want to know what games I was playing!
Here I am abut age 13 with my computer <3
Please forgive the huge hippy hair of doom and my apparent lack of colour vision for dressing like that :-[

I know I have other pictures of e with my computer but this is the most embarrassing (laugh)

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 24/05/2014 15:16:48
It's some sort of Star Trek game... I spy the Enterprise and the Federation logo. I'd have to cheat to know more than that now!

I've only had PCs and BBC Micros (my first console was the PS2) and I never had an Atari or anything so if it ain't PC I don't knoooow! :D Well, I think we briefly had a speccy and an old Apple Macintosh, but I don't think I ever used them, they were just my dad's...

So yeah, without cheating all I can say is it's a TREK game! :D
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 23/05/2014 23:00:29
I guess Commander Keen, but I can't tell which one...

EDIT (I googled Commander Keen to see if I could remember which one- after guessing not before! and there is an ONLINE play of it now! OMG! ) :shocked:
HAI THAR! I couldn't find an introductions thread anywhere, so I'll use this to introduce myself!

This is me and my cat. She's totally into it, honest.

I'm 30, live in the UK, and am a life long gaming nerd (trufax) As a kid I liked to play with the code on games on the BBC Micro to make level skip cheats, and I'd draw sprites for games, and my brother would code them. I also did some basic programming in DOS, then I somehow noticed boys and nail polish and things and got out of the loop of programming and stuff and never learnt more than the basics of Basic, (basically) but I married an IT guy, so I don't need to know that any more as I have my own personal code monkey :D  I'm not really so good with the coding side, and haven't really coded since I spent ages typing Blue Meanie into my beeb... I'm more of artist. I had dreams of a kid that I would be the person who paints the backgrounds for computer games, then when I got old enough it was all 3D rendering and was maths and I sulked for years. That is until I discovered that there was still a thriving retro gaming community, and then I found AGSers! :O

I've been lurking around on the forums for ages now, like the creep hiding in the bushes in someone's garden, but I thought it was time to say hello, and I hope I can actually step out and do some artwork for a game one day, and fulfil that childhood dream! My favourite era of games is around MI2, SQ4 etc.. That was the peak in my mind.

Ok I'll shut up now as this is a pictures thread not a "bore everyone to tears" thread...
Jesus? :-D

oooor... The Stig? (mata...)
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