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Messages - foz

General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Thu 15/04/2004 22:35:23
shbazjinkens :

The point is sex is quite a big part of any relationship....and marrying someone you don`t know in a intimate way is a bad idea if you ask me...

The car metaphor was to try a make the point..

I have been with my wife 11 years we only got married last june......

Thats a long time to wait.......with no sex

Where as the christian man will probaly get married inside six months so he can get his leg over.......

And not get to know the person before making the commitment.

i talk from my expierence.....
I did`nt get married or have a baby before i was ready.
General Discussion / Re:Sex and Dating.
Thu 15/04/2004 20:36:26
i met my wife in the good old fashioned way......going to a smoky pub and getting drunk.....then i saw her thru the clouds of smoke........waited til end of nite so i did`nt have to buy her a drink.....approach and ask her out........

Getting drunk helps when they say no.......cause you don`t care...

As for not having sex before marriage........get serious.....try before you don`t buy a car till you give it a test drive...

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