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Messages - heltenjon

Quote from: cat on Sat 14/01/2023 19:11:15How's everyone getting along with playing the games?
I doubt I'll manage to play all the games this year. I think I have 19 games left to play, most of them commercial/full length.
>Follow Shoshana
Quote from: Shadow1000 on Wed 18/01/2023 01:57:45Ok, I give up!! Where did you find the magazines??
This puzzle is exceptionally unfair.
Like with the shrub early on, you have to position Grandad in the right spot. He needs to be on the far side of the bed, turned around to face it. Clicking on the lower half of the bed should reveal the magazines. Now, this is the realistic position he has to be in to search that area, but there's no way (at least to my knowledge) of knowing there is something to be found in there.
It's time to bump this thread up again for this year. In addition to the excellent suggestions for the committee awards above, which can certainly be reused, I'd like to suggest another game from the relatively close past for the Best Innovation award.

The committee will have to do their own choices, of course, but in case they are not familiar with Pedro's Adventures in Spanish, I'd like to make the suggestion that this game be considered for the innovation award. The game succeeds in both being a good and entertaining adventure game in its own right, and a language learning utility. The developers explain a bit about it in the videos on the database page, but to sum it up, the game uses easy-language Spanish, ideal for beginners. Every item and verb is pronounced (may be toggled off) when moused over, giving the player a good indication of both spelling and pronounciation. The game tasks/puzzles start out with introducing names of food and drink, which are necessary to keep up the health bars. This repetition is exactly how words are internalized, except it's done in a game, not in a classroom. Later on, every island the player travels to have different linguistic challenges. In one of them, the focus is on understanding dialogue and descriptions in order to solve the puzzles, for instance.

I was able to play through the game without knowing much Spanish when I started. I think the game deserves to be considered for this award because it successfully merges linguistic learning theory with fun game design. It never feels like a "school program", and all the learning theory is kind of behind the scenes, not getting in the way of the experience.

Edit: Some links:
At the Rocketboy Games home page you'll be able to see the videos featuring the French and English versions as well as the Spanish one.

After meeting a deadline at work, is was great to finally unwind with a long game. So I played this one tonight. Despite owning an Atari ST way back, I've never played or even heard of this game before.

My experience was a wee bit mixed, but the game is absolutely worth playing. First of all, the remake is stunning! The game looks great and runs smoothly. I appreciate that it's been made a wee bit easier in parts, plus implementing the point and click interface. Dead ends and time limits <shudder> So my compliments to arj0n for improving on the original game!

I particularly liked the elevator puzzle(s), the code on the door on the top floor and the treasure hunt in the end. And the box-on-a-rope puzzle.

What I didn't like was a couple of pixel hunts and the massive maze. I needed two hints, both thankfully already available in the hint thread:
I actually tried to look at the shrub in the front yard from another side, but decided it was only a weird phrasing. Even after knowing what I was supposed to do, it took me several minutes. The second hint was the location of the magazines. I didn't like that, both because there was no way of knowing the item existed and because there were plenty of items available that could have solved the puzzle. He's got three drawers full of papers, a hanky, an undie and a towel. Not to mention all the books in the library.
The maze was par for the course back then, I guess, it's just not a puzzle type I like.

I guess the main character won't be to everyone's liking either. I certainly found him repugnant, but I don't identify with the characters in games anyway, and he's played for non-pc laughs. My daughter wanted to try the game after seeing my maze map, so the jury's out on what she may think.

I'm a bit curious about how many points the vest gives the player. I had 440/500 when I picked it up, then the final screen didn't print my score, but said something like "You got    of 500". I had some unused inventory items, so I may have missed something. I know I did some stuff in the wrong order due to spotting a pixel before it was hinted at in the plotline.

To sum up, the game is recommended if you fancy a blast from the past and don't mind taking the role of an old fart. There are some good puzzles, but also the dreaded pixel hunts, the maze and some deaths.
Why, oh why can't he simply turn off the power while working? The switch is right there!  8-0
The 1983 game is a text adventure in the Mysterious Adventures series. You can play it online here: and several other places. It's not related to the later games of the same name.
Quote from: OllieGee on Sat 14/01/2023 21:31:40Thanks heltenjon, I will check out this novel you mention. Surprised I haven't heard of it.

Can I move this post to the correct topic section myself? I looked but couldn't see where to do it
No, the moderators do that, and it's now in the correct section (General Discussion) instead of Hints and Tips. But to make a mod aware of a mispost, you may use the "more" button and select "Report to Moderator". Up pops a form, and you may write that you accidentally put a post in the wrong section and ask them to move it.

Hope you enjoy Iain M. Banks! He's sadly deceased now, but if you like his writing style(s), there's a whole lot of books to enjoy.
I haven't read any of the books mentioned, but will recommend two books by Iain (M.) Banks that feature games prominently: Complicity and Player of Games. In Complicity the computer game played is something the main character does on his time off, though it may or may not have symbolic relevance to how he views the world. Player of Games is a science fiction novel where a planet elects their leader through a strategy wargame.

Edit: Whoops, I didn't notice that this thread was posted in the wrong section. I hope a mod may move it.
As people are playing through the games of yesteryear before the Awards nominations, please consider also voting/rating them on the games page. For the uninitiated, this is done by locating a paragraph named Public Opinion, just to the right of the download button and clicking on the Your votes link at the end of said paragraph.

Only five of the games released in 2022 has been rated by enough players (5 will do it) to receive a player rating, which is the orange cups. You don't have to leave a comment, and the voters remain anonymous. In addition, this is an excellent way of keeping track of which games you have already played, as the web page link will turn into Want to change your votes? after you have rated a game.
Quote from: Babar on Fri 13/01/2023 13:41:04Nooooo! You dug up the Treasure of Obese Bob! WHYYYYYYY  :=
Because it has the nice Moon poem, of course. And a cool title. And the treasure is made for digging up.  :-D
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Fri 13/01/2023 09:39:51
I guess that's a logo that ought to be familiar, but... ???  Paw Patrol!

I'm torn between that woman who may be looking up and the possible Christmas ornament on the door of the older woman. Jurassic Park?
A collection of four Hourgames with the theme Graveyard is here. They are called:
Roger Finds Treasure
Treasure of Obese Bob
Fuck You, I'm a Corpse
Leo the Gravedigger's Adventure

Tino's Wake Up is here.

The Adventure Think Tank (also known as Troels Pleimert/The Space Quest Historian with friends) has released some pretty entertaining games that are not in the database. On the Gamejolt page we can find a few:
Were We Ever.
All Demons Must Go to Hell.
Long Distance Coughing.
Brexit-Man in Airportland: The Rebrexiting.
Ramp It Up.
Danny Sexbang in Celestial Catastrophe.
Kitty Quest.
A Life Worth Losing.
What's in the Safe..
What Spunky Found.

Quote from: arj0n on Thu 12/01/2023 13:44:52
Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 12/01/2023 13:33:28What are these? Most of the games listed looks like titles in the database, although it would be nice if sincaruk could check on playthrough (if you're going to play the games anyway).

one clue: the cd-rom was burned in 2005, so these 24 ags games are for sure 'oldies'.
I meant specifically MiniGame4 and pqtv2;) I think I understand what the rest are.
Quote from: arj0n on Thu 12/01/2023 10:11:14This cd contains 24 AGS games:

What are these? Most of the games listed looks like titles in the database, although it would be nice if sincaruk could check on playthrough (if you're going to play the games anyway).
Quote from: bertolino link=msg=636652600 datRequote author=bertolino link=msg=636652600 date=1673376548]
still can not get it i have read the old hints and the walkthrough is for the other game

I'm sorry, my mistake.

At the terminal:
Don't open the browser. Reset the password. Remember this. Open the browser. Use the password you made.
Quote from: Snarky on Tue 10/01/2023 13:22:19We've had paging bugs before where threads get lost between pages on a board, but I don't think I've ever before noticed posts going missing between pages of a thread. However, currently this post (from 25. December at 10:01:51 CET, where I talk about just having seen Glass Onion) does not appear for me either on page 2 or 3 of the thread.
It's visible if one selects the option to view all the posts on the same page (as message #40), but when in single page mode, it's not even counted, just skipped, and a post by Mandle is #40. Odd.
Start by reading the hints in the old thread about this game. If that doesn't help, please ask again, preferrably without using CapsLock.

The old thread is here:

Another tip:
***TIP: The login will always be TRUNKS_MCCULLOGH, but the password is a variable which is randomized at the beginning of each new game. The only way to learn the password is to ask Sassy Mae about it. Both the login and password are case sensitive, so be sure to type them exactly as they appear in your journal.***

(And a walkthrough can be found here: )[/s]

Edit: My mistake, those were for the first game.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 09/01/2023 20:45:42
One of the Home Alone movies?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 08/01/2023 20:06:49
Forrest Gump?
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