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Messages - heltenjon

>Examine and search drawers and the small bowl or ashtray on top.
>Discuss directions and bearings with Shoshana...what door is likely the right way?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Guess the TV show
Sun 18/12/2022 21:30:19
Feedback time!

Don't give up the Cat by EriOo
I was a playtester for this, so I have played it in lots of versions throughout the month and watched it grow into what it is now. The game sure shows technical wizardry and is using AGS in ways I wouldn't have thought possible. There are so many great details in this one, like the ability to claw the trees to show where you've been. That said, the gameplay/tasks are short, and the game is best as a mood piece or cat simulator. If you don't like exploring, I guess it's not your thing.

Very Serious Plumbing Simulator by Falsely
Falsely told me that there's only one ending in the MAGS build. In a way I like that, because the game is definitely best the first time you play it. (I tried it twice to look for more endings.) The graphics are animated like a cartoon - very well done, even if simplified and black and white. The characters are likeable and "alive" in the sense that they behave like real people and have some banter. Good writing as well. I also liked the scary story and how the puzzles came about. This author definitely has a knack for the scary weird story, and I'm going to check out those games I haven't already played.

When playing through the game a second time, the animations and the long dialogues became a bit tiring, even though I liked them a lot the first time. If Falsely decides to add more content, I think I'll keep coming back at regular intervals instead of playing it constantly, in order to not grow bored. I guess this is a risk of all VN games, and this one shares some characteristics with that genre.

Highland Spirit by ddavey1983
I gathered from all the posts made about the game that this would be a good game even before I got to playing it. And it is a tour de force. The shortcuts made are cleverly hidden and don't affect gameplay at all (walkcycles or not-walkcycles). The game looks great, has characters with their own agendas and puzzles that arise from who they are. Add the several layers of history and the excellent use of the library and other historical remnants and some of the author's characteristic humour, and you get a very, very good game indeed.

Two Ghosts of That House by Volcan
I've been a bit curious to try out some of Volcan's games, but this is the first time I've done so. This is a short game, suitable for kids, with some nice graphical ideas, like the hovering ghosts who can go through solid furniture or "stand" on a floor that's fallen away a long time ago.

Ghost Hunter: Dracula by newwaveburritos
I'm not really a maze or dungeon fan, but I did like that I actually played as Dracula instead of hunting him. By luck I tried pressing M and found out that I had a map, and without it I would have been hopelessly lost. The segments in the maze look so alike that there's no sense of movement when you walk forward unless there's an intersection coming up. Adding variety to the walls or a wobble when the player moves would make the game possible to play without using the map, (if that's a goal). I didn't play it long enough to read all the letters in the maze layout, so there may be an Easter egg there. This game is an interesting experiment and reminds me of Khris' OROW game where he defined a dungeon maze as one room.

My vote went to
Highland Spirit. There were two masterpieces in the contest this month, but as I was a bit involved in the making of one of them, the decision is made for me. This one shoots up to be my bookie tip for the MAGGIE award this year.
Hints & Tips / Re: Highland Spirit
Tue 13/12/2022 09:21:45
Quote from: Rufus on Tue 13/12/2022 04:28:58No luck unfortunately.  I just went through the library again and I'm pretty certain I didn't miss anything but still no change, I can't go onto the battlefield without knowing where to look.
Question: How to get into the battlefield. (Please don't put your entire questions in spoiler tags, only the spoiler parts. Otherwise, people won't know what you ask.)

You need to find information in the correct order. You will need to know something before you can interpret the diorama. Check out the paintings in the pub, then the history books in the library (or possibly in the opposite order), then the diorama plaques. You will know you have done it right when Becky draws a conclusion out loud.
AGS Games in Production / Re: TUNNEL VISION
Tue 13/12/2022 01:10:33
This looks like a lot of fun! The title is definitely a good fit. And original music, too?  (nod)
I'm looking forward to (hopefully) solving your five puzzles.
Quote from: Rik Vargard on Mon 12/12/2022 20:15:53
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 09/12/2022 03:39:58No, I was thinking about the apartment ....
Ah yes. I thought about that a while ago and then I forgot; like you said here, that would be part of the final tuning.
Thank you for the reminder! :)
But then I read what Shadow1000, fellow AGS-er whose opinions I value a lot, wrote about Highland Spirit, a game he clearly loves:
Quote from: Shadow1000 on Wed 07/12/2022 22:07:26My only criticism is that there were some puzzles that you had to literally click every item out of a few dozen till you came across the one you are looking for. This is not unheard of in traditional point and click adventures (in fact, most of the time that you encounter a bookcase, you can expect to have to click all the wrong titles till you find that book you're looking for) but still a bit tedious.
So I guess we're a divided lot. He's critical to the very thing I tell you I want in your game.  :-D  In the end, you'll have to do what feels right to you. There's a fine line somewhere between engrossing and tedious, you just have to find it.
I played this one and found it really cute. Being a MAGS game, I don't expect a long or complex tale, so a short and to the point story is par for the course.

What I liked the best, was the idea of simply having the ghosts bobbing up and down, levitating some inches off the ground. They occasionally go through solid objects, and in one room, they are completely unfaced by the missing floor. That's some good little touches.

I'm going to save it in my Kids folder, letting my 8-year-old son play it one day when he asks if I have any games for him. I think he'll like it.

Is the teddy bear worth 100 points? The player doesn't get to see the final score.
I finally got around to playing this one today. I'd gathered from the feedback from other players that I was in for a treat, and I was not disappointed!

Great to see Sophia Becky in her own adventure!  ;) Pointclickaddict had noticed links to your earlier games, and I'm afraid I don't have them fresh enough in memory to be sure what he's thinking of. But, walkcycles aside, is she working in the police station in one of the other games, perhaps?

The game looks and plays great. I was not bothered by the walking speed at all. The characters feel alive (even the ghost), the writing is brilliant and funny, taking the time to give each character an own voice and their own problems and interests. That's some really good world building! Also kudos for including intelligent use of a library during the research.

The puzzles were really fun to solve. They were the right kind of multiple-steps-puzzles that I felt good after progressing, though it never seemed too difficult or too easy.

I found a couple of minor bugs.
One of the gravestones is named Hotspot 10 (or another number). And Becky could walk behind her dripping coat in the cottage.

This is a very good game. As a MAGS entry, it's outstanding. I applaud the use of fading in and out to remove characters from the screen without doing a full walkcycle.  :-D
Quote from: Ian Aloser on Fri 09/12/2022 12:57:02>Ask her if she brought any rubber gloves so we don't end up leaving our fingerprints allover the place. After all we wouldn't want to go back to prison
> Turn on the headlamp, slightly open the door (without leaving fingerprints) and shine some light in the room to see what's inside before entering.

>Say "Lead the way, sis."
Quote from: Rik Vargard on Thu 08/12/2022 19:34:35I guess the "too little hotspots" comment is there because of "Sector2"?
No, I was thinking about the apartment where the first case is. Mind you, there is nothing wrong with the apartment, I'm simply thinking about how to improve even further. I believe that in an investigative game, the immersion will be higher if the player can look at lots of stuff in a room that doesn't turn out to be essential. Say you have a room where the player is supposed to find something in a drawer. If that's the only hotspot, I'll find it and move on quickly. But if I can look at all the furniture, under it, check behind the books on a shelf, peek under a rug, behind the curtains, look behind the picture on the wall etc, I will feel more like a detective doing a proper search, even if all that turns out nothing, and I've really only needed to find the item in the drawer.

Anyway, the normal advice is to make the game playable first, and then add such non-vital stuff later on. Feel free to follow or disregard this, I'm on board anyhow.  :-D
Hints & Tips / Re: Trash Quest
Fri 09/12/2022 03:28:34
Quote from: Wiggy on Thu 08/12/2022 16:55:16I can't be bothered playing more of this exceedingly crappy game, it's the worst on the database.
Oh, there are some other contenders to that title, I'm afraid, but I echo your sentiment. OTOH, it would have been cool to be able to file it under solved and never think of it again.  (laugh) I had hoped someone else had stumbled over something I had missed. At the moment, I'm inclined to think it never had more endings than the one we've encountered. Thanks for replying.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Tue 06/12/2022 08:25:52

Although, he's probably talking about the English version.  (laugh)

The song he's referring to, starts at 1:21
Hints & Tips / Trash Quest
Sat 03/12/2022 14:26:15
A small joke game from a RuMAGS competition way back. Anyway, the database page entry says there are supposed to be six endings. I've only found one, which was getting killed.

Have anyone completed this one?
 :-D "Super weird"...I bet cutting the power has let loose some "collectibles" already!  ;)

Quote from: Ian Aloser on Fri 02/12/2022 16:16:08> Examine door and lock
> Check contents of sister's toolbox
> Pick lock if it looks safe


>ask sister about mayor's "super weirdness". Did he collect venomous snakes or anything like that?
Quote from: actaria on Thu 01/12/2022 14:41:28Hello,

Does anyone have a working link to download the module and the documentation please ?

I would like to try it.

Thanks a lot.
Looks like this one is still up:
Quote from: Mehrdad on Mon 20/06/2016 07:59:45Here you are:
Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 18/11/2022 00:40:28>Tell her you're out. Go home and eat biscuits.

>Ask her excitedly what kind of safe it is, a bit more calmly what riches she expects to find, and business-like what alarm systems this place is supposed to have.

I know I can't give myself a +1, but come on people! Let's do some breaking and entering!  8-)
It's always really cool to hear what the other betatesters noticed or suggested. I guess even though I understand instinctively that this is a mood piece, I'm more geared to suggest or notice the more practical parts of the design.

Slight spoilers if you haven't played the game yet:
I still think the ability to mark the trees with your claws is a good idea, even though it turned out not to be necessary in this one. At the time, I still hadn't found all the ghosts, and I believed I had to navigate through the thick of the forest. In there, I often lost my bearings, and I thought it could be cool to mark the trees to see where I had gone, what EriOo calls "breadcrumbs".  ;-D  But I didn't really think he could pull it off...and I was proved wrong.

Finding your way, and especially finding one of the ghosts, was a lot harder in the earlier builds. I'm curious as to what the new players say about this balance. We testers knew the routes by heart in the end and could speed run the game. But taking your time to explore and experience the ambiance are the highlights of it, I feel.
Ben 304's first game, Hungry, is not in the database, but on the archive:
Kind of unsurprisingly, this is a tad better than most people's first games. Some people just got it.

Relight's first game, Abstract, is here. It's a demo where I don't think the player can do very much.

Icey made a game called Project 304 Style - Wandering Spirits. It is now available here.

The short movie intro demo of D.Jones: Deceased is here.

Remember hourgames? Games made in small contests in an hour or so? Here's a collection of 29(?) of them:

Edit: List of Hourgames in the collection (will update until complete):
Theme: Downfallen Superhero:
IB SHAG Entry 12.July (Indie Boy seems to not have given his hourgames proper titles)
Flash Down

Theme: Absurd Character Deaths:
2000 Ways to Play Badminton Without (...) and the title fills the entire screen.
Terlethour or possibly it's called Deadman Toilet

Theme: Time Paradox
666 Days a Sotona - This one is a RON game, sort of. Outside of continuity, of course.
Enkerro's Time Paradox
Time Paradox
Time Out of Joint

Theme: Magic
Wizard Hangover ExtreamZz!! - This one is actually in the main database.
Majixsis - I'm not really sure of the title of this one or who the author is. It features a creature locked in a Wizard's bathroom who has to make a voodoo doll to defeat the Wizard.

Theme: Worship Boxes or Breasts:
Box This one is actually in the database, too.
Preeee or possibly it's called Hurray

Theme: Buddy Brick
Buddy Brick

Theme: Gold
6 Day blah blah Vampire Gold
Uhhr or more likely the title is Annoying Quest

Theme: The Internet
Depressomatic (Title Screen says "Crap Game".) This is a cartoon made in AGS by FSi with no interaction.
Simppmdee This is a joke "game" about meeting pmd in a chat room.

Roald Dahl story:

Random Wikipedia:
FSi's Neighbor Mountain

FSi's Unbearable: Nickie the Bear and the Burden of Sanity short movie/non-game

Theme: Pirates
Bach's Dead This one looks like it's unfinished.
IB's SHAG entry 13.07.08

Theme: Story Machine

Theme: Really Bad Horror Movies
Ghost Stories
Attack Game

Theme: The Gods
Deus Ex Machina

Theme: Dark Room
Dark Room
Thanks, arj0n! I'll contact Lars and ask if he can host it a bit more publicly.  :-D  Now for some making out!  8-)
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