I realise I've not done this yet. Sorry.
My name is Paul, I live in Glasgow, Scotland.
Despite what it looks like from some of my posts, I never really take myself very seriously. Though you'd be hard pressed to get any of it from me in real life, sometimes when I'm writing, I like to let my mind wander and see where I end up. Don't worry, I'm well aware that I spout a lot of pish from time to time. Best course of action is to just smile and nod. I'll go away eventually.
I'm working on a game, which is going a little slowly while I finish up some other projects, but should hopefully pick up soon.
I really like the AGS boards. You guys have a really good sense of community and by definition you are all creative people. It's very cool here.
My name is Paul, I live in Glasgow, Scotland.
Despite what it looks like from some of my posts, I never really take myself very seriously. Though you'd be hard pressed to get any of it from me in real life, sometimes when I'm writing, I like to let my mind wander and see where I end up. Don't worry, I'm well aware that I spout a lot of pish from time to time. Best course of action is to just smile and nod. I'll go away eventually.
I'm working on a game, which is going a little slowly while I finish up some other projects, but should hopefully pick up soon.
I really like the AGS boards. You guys have a really good sense of community and by definition you are all creative people. It's very cool here.