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Topics - imperialdr

Beginners' Technical Questions / Dialog boxes
Thu 27/07/2023 21:37:51
Is there a very simple way to make dialog boxes appear at the bottom of the screen? All I want is the dialog box, with the character's name.

And, I'd like it so that the dialog doesn't run automatically... instead, the dialog only proceeds if the player clicks on the screen. Is that possible?
Hi again,
I'm making a game with a loop mechanic, and so I want to create a variable to track how many loops have occurred. I've defined 'Loop' as an integer in the global variables tab, with a default of 1.

In a dialog script, I've written: Loop = Loop + 1. I'm trying to increase this integer by 1.
Essentially, I want "Loop" to be at a value of 2. But stating "Loop = 2" didn't seem to work either.

After the variable change, the player is sent back to the beginning of the game. I've written this in the room script:

function cEcho_AnyClick()
  if (Loop == 1)
  else if (Loop == 2)

AGS lets me run it without error, but it doesn't do what I want. It only runs the first loop option and never accounts for the variable change. I'm not sure where my problem is. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :smiley:
Hello, I'm new to AGS and working on my first project.
I want to have dialog boxes for each time a character speaks, with a custom appearance. I'd like a box to open at the bottom of the screen, displaying the character's name and their dialogue text. For appearance, I'd like the box's edges to be rounded (curved rectangle). Is it also possible to have different coloured boxes for different characters?

Any tips are much appreciated, ty!
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