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Messages - imsomnia212

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 25/04/2019 07:31:52
Quote from: Danvzare on Wed 24/04/2019 18:20:42
Hey, I remember that being one of the first AGS games I ever played.  :-D
I also remember disliking it.
So um... two conflicting emotions there. Hmm, I'm sure nostalgia will win over.  :)

Hmm... Don't Escape 4?
Yeah maybe I like it because the nostalgia, but it's not a incredible amazing game, it's simple but funny I thought.
And no, isn't Don't scape 4.

Quote from: josiah1221 on Thu 25/04/2019 04:45:06
Midnight Scenes!
Yeeees, it is. Is a game that I played a few months ago and I really like it. Well, you can go with the next.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 22/04/2019 06:33:39
Yep :-D
Well, what this is?

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 22/04/2019 05:50:07
AL Gurbish in Nick it & Run, I played recently by a recommendation of a friend and it was fun
Quote from: dactylopus on Thu 27/09/2018 09:40:26
How about a collective project?  Like Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator...

Of course, there would have to be a project lead, someone who has the time and patience to put all of the pieces together.  If I had the time, I'd volunteer, but I do not.  I'd gladly participate, though.  I think many would.

So how about it?

I really like this idea, maybe it can be done a little bit short, assign small random groups of the people that participate (2 or 3 people per group) and make some collaborative games like a mags
Quote from: abstauber on Sun 05/08/2018 20:12:18
@Imsomnia212: Cheers! I'm looking forward to see some of your games in the future. Your abandoned mags game already looked very promising.

Soon I will show in the forum something that I'm working on too hard
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Sat 21/07/2018 21:45:23
This would require applying different graphic filter at runtime, which AGS currently cannot do, I am afraid. (Well, technically it could, but there is no script command or option to make it do so).

That's sad but maybe in a near future that's Will be possible.
I have another problem, when I set up a bg for the dialog gui (is a image with alpha channel) it show a pink bg and not the transparent img like do when use the ags gui system, see:

Using the ags gui system for the main gui (verbs, inventory items, etc):

Using the dialog script provide by Tumbleweed module:

I set up the script like the note said:

Code: ags

// Background
// set bg img_transparency to -1 if you're using 32-bit graphics and
// want to preserve the alpha channel
this.bg_img                = 276;
this.bg_img_scaling        = 0;
this.bg_img_transparency   = -1;
this.bg_color              = 0;
First of all I really love the template.
Well, I have a question: Is possible to show the save screenshot with anti-alising when your game is nearest-neighbor? I wan't to show it like the way Thimbleweed do, but in the template with a nearest-neighbor game, it pixelate and lose information in the screenshot.
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