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Topics - jwalt

Reality-on-the-Norm / Enjoyed the paint-over
Wed 01/11/2023 01:41:27
I've been AWOL for a while. I had an idea for a RON game and downloaded the RON files. The old computer I had them on went belly up, so I had to find them once again. I was pleased to see that a couple of my 3D backgrounds made it into the folders.  :grin:  Whoever painted over them did a wonderful job, and I fully understand why the paint overs were necessary. My background for Scid's on the beach was the pits to try to do the walk behinds, and it looks like the 2D art paint over would be every bit as difficult. If I continue making progress with my idea, I'll post something about it.
Downloaded 3.6.0 the other day and playing with it. Had been working as expected, until trying to delete some objects. Couldn't get the properties window to list objects and clicking on the object failed to bring it up. Tried uninstalling/reinstalling. No real change, but thanks for keeping what I'd been playing with! Tried a new game, and much the same. Right clicking doesn't even show the sprite marking the default object.

Using the Bass template. I'm also seeing some kind of odd padlock mouse cursor, from time to time. Have I accidentally locked myself out?
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