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Messages - jwalt

A long time ago... About the same time this piece came out of South Africa, I served aboard a US Navy Fleet Tug. We made a port visit to Port Antonio, Jamaica. As the day settled into a warm tropical evening, a nearby night club began belting out this song, complete with the cow bell:

Not long after we returned stateside, I started hearing this version on the radio:

I like 'em both, but only one version takes me back in time.

Rockin' Sidney:

Video has a slight glitch in the second song. Interesting artist that I missed along the way.
Quote from: Kastchey on Sat 21/04/2018 12:29:23

As for the use of pre-existing open source graphical assets, it feels like something that could improve the turnout but I'm not convinced if using RON resources for this purpose is a very good idea unless the MAGS entry is an actual RON game. It is a free to use library, but a library dedicated to a specific series so using it for random MAGS games *kind of* defeats the purpose to me. But then again I'm hardly an expert on RON policy, someone better versed in the subject might want to comment should this option ever be seriously considered.

I'm not a RoN expert, either, but at some point in time, before the establishment of a RoN Canon, folks began offering up characters and backgrounds for public use. I can't help but feel those folks would be sad that the canon was preventing the assets from being used to tell any story, be it one for the RoNiverse, or one for the more general worlds of MAGS. If the MAGS entry doesn't lend itself to a Zombie Mayor, or Death and an Alien building sandcastles, they can be left out. It may be up to the denizen lurkers within the RoNiverse to decide whether it's a RoN game, or not. Just don't kill off any existing character, unless you made it.  (laugh) And even then, someone may just resurrect him, or her, or it.
A passing thought that allowing RoN assets in any Monthly Mags competition might increase participation, as well as make more folks aware of the RoN assets. I've always thought/felt that, unless it was specifically a RoN anniversary game, using RoN assets violated the MAGS rules.

The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 04/03/2017 00:41:17
Happy Birthday, Waheela. She doesn't seem to be active, here, anymore, sadly. Still have that gif she posted, and it still has the same effect on me as Chicky's avatar, if I watch either one of them for too long. Hope she is well, and prosperous in whatever she is doing!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 05/12/2016 00:20:48
No guess on the title, and may be off topic, but...


Just noticed that the Forum makes an unfortunate division of "title." I'd guess different resolutions may display the html in different sizes or line lengths, but...
Or, it might be my dirty mind, but... Or, it might be an interesting topic for a new, movie based, thread: "Guess the Movie tit..." Apologies, in advance, if I'm offending anyone.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Mon 21/11/2016 00:29:23
Happy Birthday Implementor, Renegade or not!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 29/10/2016 17:20:43
Happy Birthday, Moo Man. Best wishes!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 03/08/2016 13:39:39
Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Wed 03/08/2016 12:44:34

You are correct sir!

Well, about it being Once Bitten (1985) at least... but her name is Karen Kopins ;) and I admit I was obsessed with her back in the day (nod)

This was also the movie that introduced me to Jim Carrey and I remember thinking, "this guy is a terrible actor... he'll never make it big".

Little did I know what the 90s would be like...

Made me think of Tom Hanks and Bosom Buddies. Better actor, but similar trajectory.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 19/07/2016 13:40:20
Quote from: Darth Mandarb on Tue 19/07/2016 12:51:38
Jack got it!

What Darth said. Good job. Was running out of screen shots.  ;-)

Just did a quick YouTube search, looking for something that was on my DVD. Link to a "making of" feature:
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 19/07/2016 03:51:09
@ Mandle -- Does involve Pearl Harbor:

@ Jack -- The PT (MTB) boats do have a part to play:

@ Kumpel -- Tora! Tora! Tora! was filmed in color. This one was filmed in black and white. Both had what might be called "all star casts:"

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 18/07/2016 18:56:00
Nope, and nope. Movie is, perhaps, overly long, and the special effects (explosions, etc) are not up to the standards even of the time frame of the movie being made. Still, it had full US Navy support, and, as a result, you get a lot of neat scenes aboard and around ships.

Couple more, which I'll hide just for the fun of it:

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 17/07/2016 12:40:31
Quote from: Quintaros on Sun 17/07/2016 12:03:54
You got it Jwalt.

Always thought Bridge a great movie.

Another war movie. I find this shot oddly moving:

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 17/07/2016 11:54:26
A Bridge Too Far
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 02/06/2016 00:39:54
Stupot++  (laugh)


Happy Birthday, Stupot+
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 31/03/2016 00:16:07
Says it's Mr. Dave Gilbert's birthday. Best wishes to you and yours. Hope for your continued successes, but I do miss the Blackwell games.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 26/05/2015 18:47:27
Yes. The other title, in Europe, was something along the lines of "Operation Teakettle." Well done.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 26/05/2015 17:34:49
I've just about convinced myself that the first time I saw this movie, it was on the mess decks while serving aboard a ship that was only slightly larger than the one in the picture?

The movie actually has two titles. It was released in Europe with a different title. How my ship managed to get the European titled movie, I have no clue. We did make a port visit to Plymouth, England, but I don't think we swapped any flicks with the Limeys while we were there.  ;-)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 26/05/2015 14:52:23
Quote from: Quintaros on Tue 26/05/2015 04:17:43
Breaking Away is correct.  The first shot is from when the father returns for a visit to the stone cutting mill.

"I want some American food. I want French Fries."

I continue to have some problems uploading images, so if someone wants to steal this round from me -- feel free. Otherwise, I'll try to get something up later today.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 26/05/2015 00:21:11
The quarry looks like it is from Breaking Away. I'm not so sure that the other shot is in Breaking Away, but I guess it might be part of the pan sequence on the rainy day, where the dad was inside the car dealership office, and the boy was oustide on the bike riding the rollers. Might be wrong, however.
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