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Messages - lapsking

Stone is as weird as pound. But still if your players are from the U.S., Liberia and Myanmar you might want to use pound for measuring weight. Now embrace Parasang! (laugh) Thank God we abandoned it.
Oh, pint, thanks I learned a new English word. I heard a pint of beer before but always thought it's a kind of mug or something!
Yes if your players are from the United States, the Liberia or the Cayman Islands you might also want to use Fahrenheit, but you'll make the rest of 8 billion players a tad confused.
I'm from Iran and I think these days American English is more common and more popular worldwide, thanks to loads of American movies, games and music. I used to play games since I was 7 and I learned lots of English words from games by Lucas Arts, Sierra, Westwood, ID software and they were all American English. Later  most of music I listened in teenage days were American too. Not fan of Hollywood movies, but I think they are most popular and domain the market worldwide. I mainly use American English in my speaking and games but if I prefer a British word or sland I don't mind using it like bullocks. Sometimes there is more sense of humour in arse rather than ass. But I usually prefer color and humor to colour and humour.
AGS Games in Production / Re: Sabbah's Order
Sat 24/12/2022 15:19:25
Oh, I see my post was very messy. Added a quick short story and screenshots. Might edit it again later. Though I really don't know about the developement progress as it seems it's taking me into odd places.
When painting is all you can do but you want to make a game, even your inventory items will be oil on canvas. It seems finishing this game is going to take ages!

And this is the last result the player will see.

Okay Khris, I got somewhere. if I add "player.ActiveInventory = null" to your script then it works. As I thought active inventory is blocking hotspot script. But now the problem is when mouse leaves hotspot activeinventory is not saved. Is it a way to save active inventory before hovering on hotspot, then make it null, and when left hotspot make the same saved inventory item active? Just like what you did with verbs.

Edit: Okay, I think I sorted it out. Made a GlobalVariable InventoryItem* called invitem and added this to your script:

Code: ags
    // walk to exit hotspots
    bool is_hovering_exit = Verbs.ExtensionEx(1,  verbsData.location_ex) == 'e';
    if (is_hovering_exit && !was_hovering_exit) {
      prev_action = verbsData.global_action;
      invitem = player.ActiveInventory;
      player.ActiveInventory = null;
      verbsData.global_action = eGA_WalkTo;
      mouse.ChangeModeGraphic(mouse.Mode, 279);
    else if (!is_hovering_exit && was_hovering_exit) {
      verbsData.global_action = prev_action;
      mouse.ChangeModeGraphic(mouse.Mode, 220);
      player.ActiveInventory = invitem;
    was_hovering_exit = is_hovering_exit;

Edit: Code fixed.

Thank you again Khris.
It has nothing to do with my game, because I even started a new game both with AGS 3.5.1 and AGS 3.6 with Tumbleweed template and copy pasted your VerbGUI.asc but still doesn't change room with left click with "Use item with" or "Give item to". As you can see in pictures:

The player selected "Use KeyCard with"

As mouse hovers on exit hotspot action bar changes to Walk To but left clicking doesn't do anything.

As you see it has nothing to do with my game, it must have something to do with when an item is selected/active with Use or Give verbs blocking running any script for the hotspot.
Hi Khris, I can change room both with use and give too. But it doesn't work with use and give after selecting an item, I mean when an item is selected with use and give verbs. "Use X with" or "Give x to". The action bar changes to "Walk To" but clicking doesn't do anything. Have you tried that too with using an inventory item on exit?
It's interesting that there are so many ways to deal with this puzzle, I think it's just a matter of taste. I personally prefer the two items first interact directly with each other, so I did as Snarky said.
Hi again, it's working great but with a little glitch which I just realized now. If the player is selecting an inventory item with Use/Give and moves the cursor on exit hotspot still the action bar text updates to Walk To but clicking doesn't do anything. Is it possible to solve this issue too? Thanks.
Thank you Snarky, that was actually my first thought about doing this puzzle while lying on the bed few days ago. Though adding spark as an inventory item didn't make much sense, but now that you mentioned it and arj0n agreed too I'm more convinced, specially with timer which I didn't think of it, but makes it much more realistic. I've never used Timer. Can anyone tell me how to set a Timer for an inventory object and extend it after selecting it? Or refer me to a topic explaining them? Thank you all!
PS. I think I found the code. SetTimer and IsTimerExpired. I'm going to check it out.
Thank you heltenjon, that was a good idea if my game was 3rd person, but yes it's 1st person. I also thought of making a closeup view, I might do that. I don't think it makes the puzzle much easier, still the player must have some kind of clue why he's doing it there, or just keep trying it randomly in each room hoping for something to happen. Doesn't matter if he starts a fire by accident, that's how starting a fire was invented by our ancestors anyway.  :-D
Thanks Khris. Ok burritos, I wish it was jelly, peanut and bread. I'll explain the  puzzle for better understanding:

the player has to put tinder on the wood in the room. Then scrape down the flint (item) with his dagger (item) to make sparks on the tinder (object) to start a fire.

If that's too complicated which it seems it is, my next idea is when player uses an item on another item in a specific room, specific things happen and if he does the same in the rest of the rooms another thing happens. But I don't know how to do that either.

I wish matches were available in 1093AD. :~(
Hi Khris, I would love to know about your solution in more details before using Danvzare's method. I spent two hours to understand what you said actually means with no avail. I'll appreciate explaining in details whenever you have time. I'm embarrassed with my programming knowledge. Sorry for bothering you.
Thanks Danvzare. First option makes the puzzle so much easy and third option doesn't work with this puzzle since one has to use both items at the same time to make a change on the object. The second option is closer to what I need but without adding the temporary combined item to inventory. Can I make an item active automatically without being/showing in the inventory? I don't know how to active "use item" automatically! Thank you.
Oh no, me again. (wrong) And believe me I've searched the forum already and couldn't find the solution. But maybe it already exists and I used wrong keywords. So forgive me.

I want to use x item on y item and then use both on an object or hotspot. I know how to combine inventory items but it doesn't make sense here. The action bar should read "Use X with Y with Z". X and Y are inventory items and Z is an object. I've seen it in some other games. I appreciate any help.
Thanks, I'll keep using it. You guys are amazing.
Thanks a lot Crimson, you guys are so helpful and kind. I already had AGS 3.6 beta, opened the game with it and problem is solved. But is it safe to use AGS 3.6 beta? I'm asking because it seems it's not officially released.
Hi, now I have another issue. I'm using tumbleweed template and I have changed speech font. Game resolution is 1920x1080. It's not a big issue but it's not nice either. Bottoms of gpjqy letters in bottom line of speech text gets cropped. I tried to move text a bit higher with SayAt command, but it has nothing to do with that and it happens with all characters. Wherever the text appears it's the same. If you look at the picture letters gpqyj are complete in first line but in bottom line the bottoms are cropped. Is there a solution for that? Thank you in advance.

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