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Messages - lorenzo

The Rumpus Room / Re: Guess the TV show
Sun 09/10/2022 15:52:39
Not the right actor (or series).
The Rumpus Room / Re: Guess the TV show
Sun 09/10/2022 15:13:56
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 09/10/2022 13:58:28supergrass?
Nope! Is that a film? This one is a TV show  ;)

Quote from: Snarky on Sun 09/10/2022 15:11:48Oh, man, I'm sure I've seen this, but cannot remember what it's from.
This image should make it easy to guess!

The Rumpus Room / Re: Guess the TV show
Sun 09/10/2022 12:25:47
The Rumpus Room / Re: Guess the TV show
Sat 08/10/2022 19:25:19
Quote from: LameNick on Sat 08/10/2022 18:01:50Either one of the worst B-horror shows ever or one of the best AAA comedy series.
Yes, it's hilarious! Great show.

Next image:
I'm really happy she enjoyed it! But now you won't ever get your computer back! (laugh) Well, if you're lucky, maybe she'll lend it to you sometimes, but you'll have to wait your turn. :P

Thank you for the comment!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Guess the TV show
Sat 08/10/2022 14:36:08
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace?
glurex: Thank you very much! Happy you liked the game (and graphics)!

cat: thanks for playing and for the mini-review! ;)

I hate typos! Unfortunately, in this game jam there wasn't really time to get the game proofread.
In fact, I've found a bad mistake in the text near the end that is really frustrating, because I have to wait until the voting period is over to be able to update it. But yes, I'll fix what errors in the text I can find (I already started, but I can't upload it yet).

Regarding the "spoiler" section:

I could have the player start with the "to-do" list and fill it in as you find problems. Although you can't leave the room before you've assessed all the ship damage so there's no way that the player can leave without getting the list of needed items.

Maybe it could at first appear as a list at the top, that updates as you find what's needed, and when it's filled you get the "to-do tablet".
Quote from: TheFrighter on Sat 01/10/2022 17:28:56Now we know that 500 are everywhere in the universe.
As they should be!
I think I snuck in one or two FIAT cars in previous games as well. ;)

Shadow1000: I'm happy you enjoyed the game, thank you for your comment!
Regarding the feedback:

Quote from: Shadow1000 on Mon 03/10/2022 03:59:12
1. The character can walk right past the nurse. He can't do anything once there but you probably should block his ability to proceed past where the nurse is standing until the time is right.

If that happened before showing her the bot, it's a bug, and the second walkable area activated by itself for some reason. Otherwise, I guess it could make sense to have the area on the right smaller, until the nurse is distracted.

Originally, the puzzle was supposed to be larger than that, but I had to cut it due to the time limit of the game jam. I had to simplify it and in the end I didn't have time to polish it.
Thank you very much, Mandle!  :cheesy:
Quote from: CaptainD on Tue 27/09/2022 20:07:01As always with your games, this looks great! Though I am greatly disappointed by the brevity of your game title.  (laugh)
Thank you! Of course, the full title is "Where did the humans go? Why there's no one around? You'll have to play the game to find out".


Heltenjon: thank you for the comment and feedback!
I'm happy you liked the story!

Quote from: heltenjon on Tue 27/09/2022 20:11:35given more time, perhaps even the guard could have played a bigger role?

Initially, the guard was supposed to have a bigger role, in fact.
There were supposed to be two guards and you had to speak to both of them to convince them to let you inside. But since it didn't add much to the story, it's the first puzzle I had to cut in order to finish the game on time.

I don't think experienced adventure players will get stuck in the game, but I hope that at least the puzzles were entertaining. Some of them were supposed to be a bit more hard/complex, but I didn't have time to implement them:
for example, for the car, the idea was for you to have to put the right voltage, plus add fuel and oil to it.
The nursery puzzle was more involved, with you having to discover what triggered the alarm/cry from the baby bot, and then having to find a way to activate it.

I appreciate the feedback!
Regarding the typos and sentence structure, I didn't have time to have the text proofread and I mostly checked for typos before submitting the game. When writing quickly, I make all sorts of mistakes, I guess (laugh) Thankfully, these are easy things to fix once they're found and I'll update the game once the voting period is over (I'm not sure how much patching is allowed before that; probably only game-breaking bugs).

Unfortunately, animations are one of the first things you have to sacrifice when it comes to game jams, since they take so much time even for just a few seconds of animation (although they do add so much to a game!).


A pilot descends on a planet where something strange is going on. When he arrives at a scientist's camp, there's no trace of humans. Only robots are left and their behaviour is strange. Where did the humans go?

Made in two weeks for the Adventure Game Challenge.


Pilot a spaceship (in a non-interactive cutscene)!

Will you be able to fix the spaceship?

Explore every building on the camp!

Visit old cars at the hospital!

- Be a tourist on a lonely planet with no tourist attractions!
- Explore an isolated scientist camp!
- A strange mystery you'll have to uncover!
- Fix vehicles!
- Meet more than 5 characters, but less than 10!
- 12 rooms to visit! Plus some for cutscenes and stuff!



The game uses:
- The amazing TweenModule by Edmundito
- The fantastic Speech Bubble Module by Snarky

Music by the awesome Eric Matyas
> Speed up, your sister is waiting!
Can I vote for two commands?

Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 09/09/2022 10:07:12
>Admire interior of the car and turn on the radio.


Quote from: CaptainD on Fri 09/09/2022 11:14:34
>Reminisce about past adventures with your sister
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Fri 19/08/2022 19:05:24
Milkmaid of the Milky Way? I'm sure it's not, but it's the only game I can think of with milkmaids.
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 17/08/2022 21:08:09
Quote from: Mouth for war on Wed 17/08/2022 20:55:06
Haha exactly the same thing happened the last time I complained...I just waited for it :D
Are you saying... I should of made a different joke?!? :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 17/08/2022 13:44:10
Quote from: Mouth for war on Mon 15/08/2022 21:28:25
While on that subject. I think I've mentioned this before but I must do it again. People who say "Should of" or "Would of" seriously grinds my gears. I know I know, it's no biggie really but it really bothers me :D IT'S "WOULD'VE" OR "SHOULD'VE"!!!!!!!!
I should of known you would of complained about that!  :P
AGS Games in Production / Re: Cyberdog 2050
Wed 10/08/2022 12:32:24
This looks really cute! Nice colour choice too, I especially like the sky in the first screenshot. The plot sounds fun, good luck with development!
This looks cool, like a modern version of pixels! ;) Nice lighting effects too.
Can't wait to see [Enter Name]'s adventures!
AGA: Don't worry, I wasn't offended. As you said, just a misunderstanding, which unfortunately can happen with written messages.

Quote from: AGA on Sun 26/06/2022 17:54:19
EDIT: and I've just realised the character in the banner is actually Larry Vales anyway, so...  I think the CJ in the navbar on the home page confused my brain!
By the way, I was referring to this character here (not the one in the logo), that while I recognize is well done, it's not the style I prefer, but someone else might love it. Just a random example of different tastes.

Anyway, I just tried to give some visibility to this page so that maybe more people can propose something else the same way they do with the logo, since it didn't have a lot of activity unfortunately.
Quote from: AGA on Sun 26/06/2022 15:01:15
Just to clarify, it isn't the artwork, or anime, itself that makes me feel uncomfortable, it's having it front and centre on the AGS site.  The vast majority of our users are likely to be more used to western media, and will have to have found AGS when they were looking to either play or make games similar to those from the 'golden age' of Sierra, LucasArts, Revolution etc.  (For reference, not one of the top ten countries from which our site is accessed is in Asia).  We don't want to risk making AGS look even more niche than it already is, and to turn off (or at least avoid attracting) new users.

And for info, "the guy" in the logo is Chris Jones, the creator of AGS.  That's just a little nod to the community though, by no means something we'd necessarily need in the new design!
I was quite obviously referring to the style of the character, which I'm not too fond of, not the person who is representing. I don't know why you have to chide me about the fact that he's Chris Jones, so far as putting "the guy" in quote-marks. If it's some sort of retort for me quoting your feeling uncomfortable, that was just to avoid adding a direct quote, Jesus...

The whole thing about people being more used to western media seems weird to me, as if a lot of western countries didn't air Japanese cartoons or sell manga for decades. There was even a thread about suggesting anime to watch on this very western-centric site, some time ago...

But, hey. You don't like Japanese-style characters? Fine, don't use the images. I'm sure someone else on the site will make something better for it.

I certainly won't waste more time pointlessly discussing these things.
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