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Messages - mkennedy

Indians by Anthrax.
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Tue 23/10/2018 18:40:07
Do the day and night versions use different rooms, or is it just the graphics that are different? And how is the passage of time handled? If you go AFK and stay in the same room will time still progress? The screenshot looks awesome. Will Walter be able to get his hands on a fishing rod, (or a skiff) and if so, can he fish anywhere with a significant body of water or just at a few locations? Plus a fishing rod can always be useful for various puzzles. :grin:
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Sat 06/10/2018 01:52:44
Too bad it wasn't the 2013 version of Shadow Warrior. But still I added it to my GOG library anyway.
Quote from: Kweepa on Fri 17/08/2018 14:33:55
Can someone please explain the 'entwash' pun? I don't see it... :)

Treebeard is an Ent and when you bathe you wash yourself. Add Ent to wash together and you get Entwash.

Quote from: CaptainD on Wed 15/08/2018 21:12:44
In the Entwash?
That's the correct answer! The answer could also apply to all of Treebeard's people. That riddle was kind of a pun.
Here's another original Lord of the Rings / Tolkien riddle that I made myself. Hopefully it will be easier than the last one I submitted.

"Where does Treebeard bathe?"
Do they have classical music like Bach and Beethoven or other older music that would fall under public domain? It would be awesome I find a midi loop of the medieval song Greensleeves.
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Thu 21/06/2018 23:49:59
Right now you can get Quake Champions for free.
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 16/06/2018 14:48:25
What is cleaner than a 2 AM pub toilet,
More truthful than Trump,
Causes more autism than vaccination,
And less fake news than Facebook,
Rich people have it,
Poor people need it,
If you eat it you will have a varied experience.

Everything! Or maybe anything?
Quote from: Mandle on Mon 11/06/2018 10:39:07
Ahhhh, was a bitg tricksy but it's:


New one:

Black mask

AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Wed 30/05/2018 07:50:44
How many other places will there be for Walter to sleep? Most places at Miskatonic university would likely be closed late at night.
Fences? They keep the sheep in the pastures safe from the wolves.
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Thu 19/04/2018 00:36:44
Armitage must trust Walter an awful lot to leave him alone with the necromicon. And He could unlock the window to sneak in later. Though I imagine that when Walter's done that Armitage will put the necromicon back behind the locked door at the left side of the screen with all the other forbidden books.
Quote from: Mandle on Sat 10/03/2018 23:59:14
Here's one of my favorites. It's fairly famous so if you have heard it before please give others who haven't a chance:

A man was granted a wish by an angel. The man wished to see heaven and hell. The angel took the man and showed him hell first:

In hell the people had to sit back a meter from round tables laden with delicious foods. They only had 2-meter-long chopsticks with which to pick up the food. They could pick up the food but it was impossible to eat it. They were all starving and bitter.

Next the angel showed the man heaven. To the man's surprise the situation was exactly the same: The people sat back a meter from round banquet tables with only 2-meter-long chopsticks but everyone was heathy and happy.


They told us that story in Sunday school only instead of chopsticks they had silverware tied to their arms.
Here is an original Lord of the Rings riddle/joke that I came up with:

"What is the legal drinking age in Middle Earth?"
AGS Games in Production / Re: The Witch House
Thu 11/01/2018 11:54:58
Will this game be taking place during the prohibition? It might be an interesting play through if Walter were to blow off his classes and spend all his time in speakeasies and pool halls, though I imagine if he gets arrested or expelled that would probably bring the game to an early end. :grin:
Quote from: dayowlron on Wed 20/12/2017 20:11:59
Wasn't that it was easy but it was the first thing that came into mind when i was reading it.

Here is mine and might require a bit more knowledge than the average Joe, but it is something I learned at a young age so shouldnt be too bad.
Probably going to be a very easy riddle:

I am made up of two parts.
Either part standing alone I can be dangerous, However when my parts are combined together I make something necessary to sustain life.
What am I when I am together?

Salt (sodium chloride) both nasty elements on their own.
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 03/12/2017 13:30:53
Probably a pretty easy one I just wrote so please hide answers to avoid too many early spoilers:

They raised my siblings and I with great care,
When they took us away it was fair,
But then they brutally bashed us,
And in wooden prisons they stashed us,
Years later we were bought by some mayor.

What were we?

Grapes made into wine?
Quote from: Mandle on Sun 26/11/2017 12:59:28
Time to revive this thread I guess.

I thought up a riddle but it didn't work as a Black Stories case... too basic...

Here it is:

Jane and Mike played hide and seek.

Jane found Mike at midnight just joking and smiling.

How long did it take Jane to find Mike?

Until midnight?
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