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Topics - monkey0506


The MathsPlus module adds some additional Maths functions, including:

* float Maths.Abs(float)
* float Maths.Ceil(float)
* float Maths.Floor(float)
* float Maths.Max(float, float)
* float Maths.Min(float, float)
* float Maths.Round(float)
* int Maths.AbsInt(int)
* int Maths.MaxInt(int, int)
* int Maths.MinInt(int, int)

Requires AGS or higher
The AGSGalaxy plugin: GOG Galaxy stats, achievements, and leaderboards for AGS!

FULL source code is available, as GOG Galaxy API is open-source (er... not strictly licensed? I don't seem to actually find the full source code for the API or client anywhere, but it definitely isn't licensed in a closed-source fashion)!

Download (see this post in deciding which version to download)

Cheers! 8-) For an example, please check out the Steam+Galaxy project.
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