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Messages - negator2vc

It so nice to see all those fan recreation of old adventure games.

Just please don't mess with the original design (puzzles, texts, etc...).
It's very tempting to try to "fix" the original game.
Walking dead situations (I don't recall if the game had any) are of course an exception
but even then better give the player a choice (like the King's Quest 4 recreation did).
Very fun game! great job!
Wow! Amazing!!!! Every old (especially Sierra) adventure game need a remake like this.
Improved controls + no dead ends!!!!
Great Job

Now for a little feedback:
- Increase the room's exits hotspots size. Now you have to click right on each screen edge in order to change room (which make it difficult to navigate the world).
Even better maybe show a desc or a different cursor ex. an arrow (like most modern adventure games do)
- Show, maybe in the settings panel, which game's version the player is currently playing (with or without deadends).
- In the Linux Version the exec filename "King'sQuest4" need to be renamed in order for the game to start (in addition to the needed change of permittions).
Since the exec filename is taken from the project name when you build the game I think it's best if you rename the project (just the project) to something like KQ4Retold (without spaces or weird characters) to avoid the problem.

I tested the Linux version in Linux Mint x64
Hi, the title is
Trouble at the Dark Side of the Moon
and the music used is Trouble-on-Mercury
Amazing collection!
Many thanks for making it available!
In fact I used one of your music in my game off 2020 jam game (last month)!
While it wasn't an adventure game it still end up having a nice (mostly background) story
Your music really added to the atmosphere.
I prefer not to post a link here (since it wasn't an adventure game) but my username is the same on so ... ;-)
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