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Messages - paolo

Quote from: Dualnames on Tue 27/07/2010 02:10:39

Here it is. It probably works on AGS 2.72 so make a game there, port the guis,  and port the game to 3.0 to get them into a 3.x.x game.

Thanks, Dualnames, I'll try it out. I forgot to mention that I'm using ye olde 2.72, so hopefully it will work straight out of the box.
I'm looking for a module that will allow me to save and restore from my own GUIs. Pablo wrote such a module but the links to it have expired.

I'm looking for a "Type a name for savegame"-type module rather than a screenshot-style one (there are a few modules of the latter variety around). Can anyone recommend something suitable? Thanks.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sun 05/04/2009 10:27:34
Quote from: Ben304 on Sat 04/04/2009 05:13:44
Happy birthdays to both Paolo and monkey_05_06!

Ah, thank you Ben, I knew you wouldn't forget! And thank you and happy birthday to monkey_05_06 - do we share a birthday then (4 April)?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Thu 05/03/2009 13:50:09
Quote from: Nacho on Tue 03/03/2009 07:21:44
Thanks Ben... I... I... I am 30!!!  :'(

Happy birthday, Nacho. Don't worry, you'll get over it quickly!

It'll soon be me turn to hit a birthday ending in zero (it's the next one up from you)!
Quote from: MillsJROSS on Tue 30/12/2008 05:15:51
An good example of said infatuation is that girl you masturbate to in the bushes. A good example of love is your significant other pretending to be the girl who you masturbated to in the bushes.

It's a subtle difference, but it's there.


You and Mr Boon write such romantic stuff...

@Stupot: I would say most people say "fizzy drinks" here in London in the UK. Or if you are in the industry that makes them, "carbonated drinks".

@Buckethead: Isn't a normal map just a representation of the actual normals of a surface, while a bump map is a modification of a normal map in order to simulate texture by changing the results the lighting model gives when applied to the surface?

My question, and it's a two-parter:

a. Why do cyclists' magazines claim that it is safer for a cyclist to go through a red light than to wait? If you're waiting alongside a juggernaut that's about to turn in front of you, then yes, you are in a dangerous spot, but getting hit side-on from traffic crossing your path is just as dangerous, surely?

b. Why do so many cyclists (not all cyclists - I don't want to generalise) in the UK think it's OK to cycle on the pavement (the sidewalk) or to go the wrong way up a one-way street? Do their magazines tell them to do that too? If it's because they think the road is too dangerous, then why cycle at all?

OK, rant over.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Fri 23/05/2008 13:45:55
Boo hoo! No one wished me a happy birthday last month  :-[ :'(

Well, I suppose it would help if I put my date of birth in my profile  :)  There, done.
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