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Messages - portableTaco

Aha! I suspected a video cable might be it.  When it cuts out during game-play, does it come back on and your game resumes? If so it's definitely gotta be the cable.  If on the other hand when it cuts out you have to restart the system itself, it might be a faulty something-or-other inside the machine which would be something else. 
Welcome aboard, Yonatan! =D
I'm also chiming in that it sounds like your snes could be broken.  You said new fangled snes-box? Is it a knock-off? Did it actually come new in a box or was that just a joke? Sorry it may sound stupid but I worked in tech-support so I'm just making sure you actually bought an old snes from somewhere or if you actually bought one of those new fangled knock-off snes-units that they make now.  I can't really comment on those new knock-offs, but an original snes will absolutely work with RCA on a digital TV.   And like Wyz commented, you should be able to plug the sound in (white and red are stereo sound, yellow is for video), and at least hear something if it's working at all.

Also, aren't all RCA inputs analog? My TV is one of those brand new digital-types but it has RCA inputs, and they take whatever RCA stuff I plug into them, old or new. I didn't think it mattered.

It's probably obvious but here's a little handy guide:

It's also possible if your unit is used, that your RCA adapter is bad, and not necessarily the snes itself.   Does the snes power light come on?
Hi everybody. =D I'm not really new but I was gone for so long I just made a new account.  I used to be Moresco, but you probably don't remember me cuz that was way back in 2003 or something.  Anyway hey.  I've made lots of things here and there but never finished a game because I'm lame, ha.  I moonlight as a rock musician and I love adventure games.  My favorites were Quest for Glory, Police Quest 2 and Monkey Island.
Ello lovelies.  Errm, I'm neeeew.  Well to be certain I had a stroke and can't remember my old username or emails or anything, so I made a new account, so I'm not new. I lied a little.  D=  I had joined in 2003 and hadn't posted anything after 2012 though.

I once made a couple games but nothing too special.  I'm going to make a special game soon though, complete with all of the toppings! YEAH! Look out world.
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