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Topics - posse p


I just downloaded AGS, the newest version..
I have been searching the technical forum for help but didnt find any..

here is the problem.
I get a start up error when trying to enter the editor, saying exactly:

"System.ArgumentException: The Font 'Tahoma' Does not support the format 'Regular'.
   ved System.Drawing.Font.CreateNativeFont()
   ved System.Drawing.Font.Initialize(FontFamily family, Single emSize,
FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean
   ved System.Drawing.Font.Initialize(String familyName, Single emSize,
FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean
   ved System.Drawing.Font..ctor(String familyName, Single emSize,
FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharset)
   ved AGS.Editor.CallStackPanel.InitializeComponent()
   ved AGS.Editor.CallStackPanel..ctor()
   ved AGS.Editor.frmMain.InitializeComponent()
   ved AGS.Editor.frmMain..ctor()
   ved AGS.Editor.GUIController.initialize(AGSEditor agsEditor)
   ved AGS.Editor.ApplicationController..ctor()
   ved AGS.Editor.Program.startupTimer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs
  ved System.Windows.Forms.Timer.OnTick(EventArgs e)
& m)
  ved System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd,
Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)"

from danish to english:
ved = at/by
sender = sending

i have no idea about code.. so i would appreciate a little help on what to do to get this fantastic editor to work??! :/
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