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Messages - selmiak

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 20/09/2016 21:26:51
Napoleon Dynamite?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 10/09/2016 20:11:58
Dukes of the hazard or so?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 13/08/2016 17:04:11
looks a bit like a darker version of the BG ben just posted for unavowed...
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Sat 13/08/2016 13:03:23
Quote from: Danvzare on Sat 13/08/2016 11:18:49
Quote from: Gurok on Sat 13/08/2016 06:01:59
Bridget Jones's's Diary

Bridget Jones's's's Diary
Ok, this is starting to sound a bit like someone with a lisp now.

Bridget Jones's's's Diary's Secrets
np. Just for your interest, they ask for your serial to make sure you can even use the product, as this plugin only works up to Poser 9 and Poser Pro 2012.
Searching the german googlenet I found this german shop:

I have never used this shop or heard of it before, no idea if they are legit or just want to steal your c4d serial number, at least they ask for the first 11 digits of the c4d serial and seem to have a lot more 3D stuff in stock. webtranslator + brain + paypal could work here ;)
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 10/08/2016 11:53:41
The game credits on a game's page are still wierd and broken imho.

First of all: Is there a reason why the people involved with making the game are hidden? They should be visible at plain sight, just add another light blue box so we have About this game, Credits (new!) and Comments. Now everyone can see you madez a game. Btw, there is a border-radius css element that works in all major browsers now, no need to have 3 css classes defined and 3 div elements for 1 box with rounded corners, just saying, it displays fine, I was just looking through the html and noticed this.

All the other games an AGSer has worked on can still be hidden behind one click, this is okay imho, though the link to click on could be the words: has worked on <a> ## other games >> </a>. But this list behind that link is still broken, please just use a freaking table to display that data rather than floating divs, this screws up the layout! If the gamename is too long the gamename goes over two lines while the credits don't, so you have 2 of your roles in making 2 different games displayed next to only one gamename over 2 lines and this drags on through the whole list. If you did too much and your role goes over 1 line the 2nd line displays somewhere halfways into the gamename. Please just use tables or wrap the gamename and the role into yet another div. Using tables for data like this is perfectly fine, especially when the display looks better afterwards. Using a wrapper div is probably faster and should work without any additional css for the wrapper div, but clutters up the html.
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 09/08/2016 14:42:41
Quote from: Amayirot Akago on Mon 08/08/2016 12:42:37

this is it!

It's Amayirot Akago's turn. Also go play Gun, it's a really cool game! And you drink wiskey to recover your health!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 08/08/2016 12:18:01
nope ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 08/08/2016 12:14:30
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 08/08/2016 12:10:34
but it's not out yet, it'll be out tomorrow (on ps4)...
And I like exploration but it will probably bore me after 2-3 hours... or it'll be the total timesink for years to come... :D

aaanyways, what game is this?

The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Mon 08/08/2016 11:51:33
probably not no man sky, but still my guess.

Is this a real ingame screenshot or a screenshot where you take a picture of the screen with some external device?
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Sun 07/08/2016 22:25:04
when rating a game in the db I get this message on the page:

Error: unable to write to log

but also:

Thanksyou your vote was recorded (or so, got redirected)

Did my votes from today count and is the script working alright?
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Wed 03/08/2016 20:46:14
Civ is such a timesink! And there is a civ6 coming out in october, so you're safe until then... somehow...
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 02/08/2016 04:25:54
Soapy, I dripped the Honey? (nod)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Sat 23/07/2016 15:11:46
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Tue 19/07/2016 12:04:51
some ultima?
maybe ultima 3?
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 14/07/2016 15:59:44
Dear cat, please note this thread is called name the game, not explain the game 8-)
The Rumpus Room / Re: Name the Game
Thu 14/07/2016 15:21:28
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 11/07/2016 16:15:56
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 11/07/2016 15:58:11
Quote from: gameboy on Mon 11/07/2016 14:30:22
Prince of Darkness?
This is correct answer.
wooot, I <3 that movie and have seen is numerous time but I can't remember that scene. Good choice for a screenshot then CW  :P
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