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Messages - selmiak

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 28/03/2013 15:09:22
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 27/03/2013 15:31:37
I thought about these people on abydos in stargate too, but I've seen the movie way too often to know it's not from the film so I didn't post at all. Besides this post now. So this post is kind of invalid. But I'll click the post button anyways :)
General Discussion / Re: Free Steam keys!
Tue 26/03/2013 17:07:47
funny how noone here wants this military shooter game for free even though it has teh best graphic evar!!!11! :D
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 24/03/2013 01:55:53
the gods must be crazy?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 19/03/2013 12:00:58
Dick Tracy.
at the (darth) Maul? (mall)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 09/03/2013 18:20:03
oh great, I dig up the thread and CW gets the turn :P
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 09/03/2013 17:50:02
Looks like benicio del Toro in young years. But I didn't post a new screen as it seems like it's eric's turn ;)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sat 09/03/2013 00:11:51
So, is noone going to post more screenshots from obscure movies from ages ago I have no chance of guessing and/or knowing?! :(
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 07/03/2013 19:44:27
Not that the text between the <title> tags has anything to do with css themes anyways... :P
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 07/03/2013 14:49:21
But silly me IS using the compact theme >:(
But it's fixed now :D
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 06/03/2013 21:33:36
the link is better now, but there is still AGS mentioned twice in the titlebar (of the browser).
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Wed 06/03/2013 01:44:08
Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Tue 05/03/2013 19:44:15
Here's the riddle: guess, how many times today I got to AGS site main page, instead of forums main page? :D

Answer: MANY!!!!!!!

Okay, sorry, it is not really a bug report, but I was so used to click on leftmost "Adventure Game Studio Forums" tag to return to main forum page, and now I have to watch myself and click exactly on "Forums".
Bah, just somewhat annoyed, nevermind. :)

+1 :tongue:
Quote from: Armageddon on Sat 23/02/2013 04:36:39
I have three fingers and can't count to four.

What am I?

everyone with 3 fingers?
in these days you have 2 legs and 2 wheels in the evening. Or 4 legs +2 wheels when someone pushes your wheelchair...
3 could be fire.
a square?
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Tue 05/02/2013 19:34:16
when searching games the games entries shortly display in full and then collapse. This looks strange and a bit confusing.
Maybe adding a explanation to click the game name to expand again would help. But over all I think the collapsing is useless and the longer entries including screenshots is what I was looking for anyways ;)
Site & Forum Reports / Re: Bug reports
Thu 31/01/2013 13:55:18
edit: rechecked, seems to work...?!
thanks for your help, but it didn't work that way.
Only saving it as gif with background, then copying every frame from the animated gif into a new file, removing the background and animating it again did the trick. When saving as gif with background, then just removing the background and save it as an animated gif again still had the trails were in the final gif. And when saving as animated gif without a background the trails were there in every frame, even when opening the animated gif in Photoshop, creepy stuff. I don't know why this happened but now it works. Stupid workaround, I'd prefer a checkbox in the save for web dialog that ask to refresh every frame or something like that.
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