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Messages - selmiak

I have an animated gif and use save for web in photoshop but somehow the used frames don't disappear and are shown under the new frames. There is transparency in the gif and so you can see the old frames. When I save it with background it works fine. In photoshop only one layer is shown per frame and there are no settings left to check... how can I make the gif refresh the canvas?
funny stuff :D

QuotePeople know how to make games. They don't need our help
(roll) :grin:
I'm inside and can't find my keys! Help!
And also missing a shoe since yesterday :P
the last thing could be a wallet, but after a night out I feel it less actually...
works fine in AE CS4 and VLC. Firefox stutters on it when played directly in the browser.
not that it should matter for adobe video editing software but I'd try reencoding it to xvid as this is the standard basic avi codec (with worse compression and more artifacts than avc h264 but maybe it works).
looks good.
To have the minimum at 1 you use
y=(0.5 * cos(pi*x)) + 0.5
for every other userdefined value for when the curve reaches 0 use
y=(0.5 * cos(pi*x/(x_value_for_touching_zero))) + 0.5
probably NOT a christmas tree...
the night? the darkness? something like this?
and there I was so sure it's the correct answer. All these christmas tree sellsmen hoard their precious female trees outside their houses...
a christmas tree?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 05/11/2012 02:06:53
dunno lol
*uses internet shoppping for FURNIOTURES and get srejected from the sourvey!*
ohm man I'm feeeeeling so rejected on my opionions on modern shopping .. shop more onions!!!
in case you still want the full AGS version, the maniac mansion mania wiki has a lot of different versions archived :)
(scroll down to downloads)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 24/10/2012 22:33:36
Batman in egypt!
This mad cow is haunting me in my sleep... :D
I actually kind of like the blurryness in the picture, it seems to give it some more meaning and expression! Especially the hard contrast with the unmoving sharp letters that are also in a contrasting color. It's like the whole world is explained in this picture, like everything is moving and in a hurry and there are only very few constants in life!
hmmm, what about a monthly podcast now? I'd like to listen to another one.

oh, and this seems to be the perfect place to point at the missing picks of the month... ;)
could also be a definition thing. GetItemCount when you are going through the inventory and add item to item. GetItemsCount when the player has 15 coins and you count the number of coins, so, many items that are actually the same item. Or maybe I'm talking bullcrap here :D
For the latter plural sounds better as pool already implies there are many in there.
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 30/07/2012 21:12:33
Haircut of the Dragon?
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