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Messages - selmiak

I vote Ponch as a guest host. Please talk all the podacast through about finding the right curves when painting female characters for games. Preferrably in different voices. But then the podcast is not that surprising and new for you (but at least for your dog).
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Wed 25/07/2012 00:08:52
up? :)
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 19/07/2012 22:43:22
what about a film with an IMDB rating above 8? If you are feeling really good... above 9 and scifi.
avidemux, virtualdub (and vdub mod) and kino are mostly used for cutting video, encoding a video to another codec (e.g. mp4 to avi), editing another audio layer to a video or basic video effects (fade in, blurring out a TV station logo). I prefer avidemux for these tasks, but really advanced video editing with mindblowing effects is more a thing of after effects (or maybe cinelerra, but I haven't tried it... yet).

some more software you'd like to try
lightworks -
Wax -
cinefx -
wohah, of course it is there, dkh, I love you <3 :D
how do you set the erasor tool to the pencil brush? How is the pencil brush set called? I only have a square brush set that comes close to the pencil brushes and that also erases with some low opacity left and I have to double click to 100% erase a pixel.

btw, by now I always use the selection tool in a 1x1 px size to erase pixels, I figured there might be a better way.
when pixeling in Photoshop, how do you set the erasor tool to 1px by 1px 100% opaque?
I tried making a custom brush and even that erases only with like 60% opacity :P
if there was a coding comp with already done assets it would make more than only one cool game. But then writing should be interpreted freely ;)
exqusite corpse sounds indeed exquisite. But that would be rather chaotic and I like chaos. And you wouldn't have to manage all that much. (laugh)
You only need a fixed width and a ~maximum height, once you're done you post the last 2-3 lines of pixels and the next one can paint on from there. Once the next painter posted his 2-3 lines of his finished picture you can post your whole image. And the first post is constantly updated with the additions. Interesting surreal results guaranteed :D

-slow progress, only one person at a time. Can be avoided by going up and down from the startimage. This need some more managing though ;)
- if this person fails to deliver someone else has to claim his addition and this takes even more time so people might lose interest. If the results are really mindblowing though...
- why hide the image? maybe some more continuity is also great. But this is against the corpse excuisite idea

soooo, how does 200x200 for every patch sound?
style: pixel art
palette... dunno, I like my freedom, the 8 bit era is long gone and 65536 colors are more than enough (16bit)
one rule: make sure to have some unfinished shape/form/stuff going to the border and not only the end of a background gradient.

I also have an inspiration for a starting image, so if I manage to complete it by tomorrow expect a new thread and some pixels to continue from :D
I have an idea but don't know how to manage it ;)
The idea is make a huge image where everyone participating paints one piece. One of these huuuuuuge scrollable pixelart images.
I have an idea for a theme that would be diving platform. Imagine some ladders tied together reaching up high into the sky or even space with a dark blue background on top and going down to brighter blue. There are people climbing up, some are diving down and there are cupboards tied in inbetween and so on. The whole thing stands on a mountain where stairs and more ladders lead up, and will extend down into the water where people are landing and diving and eaten by sharks and some skeletons on the bottom of the pond. It could even extend deeper to some caves where people are having waterfun and some skeletons are buried inbetween the rocks.

a huge but still limited palette is useful here.

So one method would be to sketch it all out and have artistic people sign up for parts and see what happens.

or method 2: have no sketch and have artists sign up for pieces but one at a time and you have to extend where the former part ends. this seems more constant but also slow in progress.

Sounds interesting? So how would you manage this? And what to do if an entry is really really bad and doesn't fit to the quality of the other parts?
.tk domains are for free. But I don't know if they show advertsing. Iirc there is a small adbar on your site then.
Or if it is okay, you can get a 3rd level domain like for free. Or go with
000webhost is not bad but one day we had an ad appearing out of nowhere on every page. It only advertised payed hosting with the 000webhost service but was annoying nonntheless. After ~2weeks it disappeared. I recommend though. The only 'disadvantage' is that you have to log into your command panel every 2 month, but this should be doable. ~99% uptimes, 2GB storage, unlimited traffic, 2 FTP accounts, lots of MySQL databases, up to date php, adfree, what do you want more?!
VLC player lets you set the audio stream delay of movie files, perhaps it's possible for streams too?!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/04/2012 21:45:50
the blob that blobbed from my uterus!
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 22/04/2012 16:05:50
open your eyes?
I use pidgin too and it works good. Only filetransfer via MSN is not working. At all. So to ask a question in this thread: anyone got sending files via MSN via pidgin working? How?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 19/04/2012 11:26:01
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Tue 17/04/2012 13:15:06
The only thing that was left in my fridge after the wild party - part 2
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Mon 09/04/2012 14:01:56
indiana jones and the ventilation shaft of death?
The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Sun 08/04/2012 15:15:51
leather nun nurses?
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