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Messages - skw


Quote from: Mordalles on Thu 29/06/2006 12:16:58although, I'm not sure if this will work here.

So... where does it work fine? If there`s such place, please link it, I`d like to see it in practice.

I like the idea, but in overall it`s a little too messy. I don`t also know if there will be enough people to follow the restrictions. Generally, we have too many competitions which are in "almost dead" stance.
Hahah, sure! ;D Pretty good paintover!

edit: Yay, my 300th post! ;)
This one simply ROCKS!

It comes from my profile. Unfortunately, there's no artworks available at the moment.

Oh, I'm now shaven-headed but it doesn't matter.

Hi, I was hangin` out here and there, but I`d like to stay for the next few months again.


Yesterday I watched Frank Miller's "Sin City". ;)

Hmm... Pall Mall, Kent or a Parliament? ;D
Quote from: Exsecratus on Sun 19/06/2005 17:17:41

What the hell means that o/? "Sieg heil" or what? ;)
Okay, thanks! ...and sorry for this whole confusion. ;)

Quote from: Andail on Mon 06/06/2005 10:52:51I have planned to make a comprehensive tutorial on perspective for a long time, and I might come back in some weeks with some first steps. Perspective is a fun area, but darn difficult sometimes!

It would be great to see some comprehensive perspective tutorials for beginners / intermediates. Well, hope you make it someday!
Thanx veryweird, I didn't have any bigger troubles with understanding it. Certainly this 's the good direction, but it didn't resolve my problem at all... [...]

EDIT: Damn, I suck...

Sorry! ;)
Quote from: Pablo on Wed 01/06/2005 16:19:37Also your problem is kinda tricky for me.

Dammit! :) To put it simple:

I need to draw that as a 3d room with a correct perspective.

Tip for Jade: Hey, we already 've a "Tutorials" thread on Critics Longue board. I'm sure you'll find something interesing there.
Good idea with this thread, Andail.

Ok, I also have a problem, this time I need some perspective issues. I can't explain it by words (due to my poor English*), so I've drawn a schematic picture with a simple room on it and the one reference point. That window and the cube no. 1 were easy to draw, but when I had started drawing next cube with -probably- another perspective point, the trouble appeared.

So let's face it... ;)

The cube no. 1 is parallel to no. 2, the same for the edges. The "top view" box illustrates the relations between both cubes and room's walls. The question is following: how to draw the cube no. 2?

Hope it's clear to you.

*One of the reasons, why I've decided to sing-in and join this community is to improving my English skills, so... If you have a time and alacrity, please correct my utterances (as quotes, or post-edits), where it's necessary. I wish you do that with every post, that I will write, but it's probably impossible. :(

Anyway, I don't want impose this upon you, so I count only on your good will. C ya!
Hi! My name's Jan (John) Czyzewski, I'm 17 and come from the city of Lublin, located in south-eastern Poland. I'm interesing in listening to various music, drawing some art, motorization (especially the older, 50's / 60's vehicles, such as Plymouth, Chevrolet, Harley-Davidson and so on), a little of history (IX-XII century Europe - Vikings, Slavs etc.) and - ofcourse - computer games such as adventures ("Loom", "Darkseed", "Sanitarium"), cRPG:s ("Fallout", "Planescape: Torment", "Baldur's Gate") or FPP:s ("Doom", "Quake" etc.), blah, blah, blah...

Anyway, it's really cool joining this community. Sorry for my crappy English, I hope you'll understand me after all. ;)

Pozdrowienia z Polski!
Greetings from Poland!
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