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Messages - slavec

You made my day!
Now I can make some games.

I have the same Idleview problem.
When I use "KeyboardMovement.SetIdleView(4, 0);"  in global's game_start(or repeatedly_execute), the character only plays the first two frames of the idle, then loops that over and over again.
The same if I write (4,40). It waits 40 frames, and then show first 2 idleframes and loops quickly.
I have tried with a new clean AGS project also, but the same will happen.
Otherwise the module is great!
Thanks for the replys.
I am a beginner with AGS and scriping, so I don't really know how to manage that.
Can I get some direction on what code to use?
Just to make it clear:
What I want is for the character to animate the idle when standing still. Loop without a delay.
Now with the module, the idle is always stuck on the first frame. And when I disable the module, the animation works as it should.
Otherwise the module is super for my project.

Here is the whole Bernie-code:

Code: ags

// Main script for module '8 Direction Movement'

//required values

int xm;
int ym;
int xspeed=38;
int yspeed=38;
int xwidth=5;
int ywidth=5;
int slide=8;
int a;
int c;
int dir;
int diagslowdown=1;
int walkanispeed=1;
int thrust;
int walkingani=2;
int disablemove;
int nodirset;
int eightdir;

static function EightDir::SetSpeed(int x, int y) {
  xspeed = x;
  yspeed = y;

static function EightDir::SetSize(int x, int y) {
  xwidth = x;
  ywidth = y;

static function EightDir::WalkViewSpeed(int speed) {
  walkanispeed = speed;

static function EightDir::SetWalkView(int view) {
  walkingani = view;

static function EightDir::SetSlide(int value) {
  slide = value;

static function EightDir::Disable(bool value) {
  disablemove = value;

static function EightDir::NoDirSet(bool value) {
  nodirset = value;

static function EightDir::DiagSlow(bool value) {
  diagslowdown = value;

static function EightDir::Thrust(int x, int y) {

static function EightDir::EightLoopsMode(bool value) {
  eightdir = value;

static function EightDir::IsMoving() {
  if ((xm!=0)||(ym!=0)) {return 1;}
  if ((xm==0)&&(ym==0)) {return 0;}

static function EightDir::IsThrusting() {
  return thrust;

#sectionstart repeatedly_execute  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE
function repeatedly_execute() {
  // put anything you want to happen every game cycle here

int up=0;
int down=0;
int left=0;
int right=0;

  if ((IsInterfaceEnabled()==1)&&(IsGamePaused()==0)) {

    if (IsKeyPressed(68)==1) {right=1;}
    if (IsKeyPressed(65)==1) {left=1;}
    if (IsKeyPressed(83)==1) {down=1;}
    if (IsKeyPressed(87)==1) {up=1;}

  if ((IsInterfaceEnabled()==0)||(disablemove==1)) {xm=0;ym=0;}

  if ((player.Moving==0)&&(IsInterfaceEnabled()==1)&&(IsGamePaused()==0)&&(disablemove==0)) {

    int b=0;

    if ((xm==0) && (ym==0)) {thrust=0;}

    //moving values

      while (b<slide){

        if (thrust==0){

          if ((right==1) && (xm < xspeed))  {xm=xm+1;}   //right
          if ((left==1) && (xm > xspeed*(-1)))  {xm=xm-1;}   //left

          if ((down==1) && (ym < yspeed))  {ym=ym+1;}   //down
          if ((up==1) && (ym > yspeed*(-1)))  {ym=ym-1;}   //up

          if ((left==0) && (right==0) && (xm>0))  {xm=xm-1;}
          if ((left==0) && (right==0) && (xm<0))  {xm=xm+1;}

          if ((up==0) && (down==0) && (ym>0))  {ym=ym-1;}
          if ((up==0) && (down==0) && (ym<0))  {ym=ym+1;} 

      if (thrust==1) {
        if (xm > 0){xm=xm-1;}
        if (xm < 0){xm=xm+1;}
        if (ym > 0){ym=ym-1;}
        if (ym < 0){ym=ym+1;}


    if (thrust==0){
      if (xm > xspeed){xm=xm-1;}
      if (xm < xspeed*(-1)){xm=xm+1;}
      if (ym > yspeed){ym=ym-1;}
      if (ym < yspeed*(-1)){ym=ym+1;}



  if (diagslowdown==1){

    int slow=0;
    while (slow <slide+1){

     if ((right==1)&&(down==1)) {
       if (xm>(xspeed*70)/100) {xm=(xm*70)/100;}
       if (ym>(yspeed*70)/100) {ym=(ym*70)/100;}

     if ((left==1)&&(down==1)) {
       if (xm<((xspeed*70)/100)*(-1)) {xm=((xspeed*70)/100)*(-1);}
       if (ym>(yspeed*70)/100) {ym=(ym*70)/100;}

     if ((left==1)&&(up==1)) {
       if (xm<((xspeed*70)/100)*(-1)) {xm=((xspeed*70)/100)*(-1);}
       if (ym<((yspeed*70)/100)*(-1)) {ym=((yspeed*70)/100)*(-1);}

     if ((right==1)&&(up==1)) {
       if (xm>(xspeed*70)/100) {xm=(xm*70)/100;}
       if (ym<((yspeed*70)/100)*(-1)) {ym=((yspeed*70)/100)*(-1);}


  int loop=0;

  if (xm>0){

    while (loop <xm) {
      if (a>10) {a=0;}
      if (a==5){
        player.x = player.x +xwidth;
        if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())>0) {player.x=player.x +1;}
        player.x = player.x -xwidth;



  if (xm<0){

    while (loop > xm) {
      if (a>10) {a=0;}
      if (a==5){
        player.x = player.x -xwidth;
        if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())>0) {player.x=player.x -1;}
        player.x = player.x +xwidth;



  if (ym>0){

    while (loop <ym) {
      if (c>10) {c=0;}
      if (c==5){
        player.y = player.y +ywidth;
        if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())>0) {player.y=player.y +1;}
        player.y = player.y -ywidth;



  if (ym<0){
    while (loop >ym) {
      if (c>10) {c=0;}
      if (c==5){
        player.y = player.y -ywidth;
        if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())>0) {player.y=player.y -1;}
        player.y = player.y +ywidth;


  player.x = player.x -xwidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x +1;}
  player.x = player.x +xwidth;

  player.x = player.x +xwidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x -1;}
  player.x = player.x -xwidth;

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y +1;}
  player.y = player.y +ywidth;

  player.y = player.y +ywidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y -1;}
  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  //outpush #2

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  player.x = player.x -xwidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x +1;}
  player.x = player.x +xwidth;

  player.y = player.y +ywidth;
  player.y = player.y +ywidth;

  player.x = player.x -xwidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x +1;}
  player.x = player.x +xwidth;

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  player.x = player.x +xwidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x -1;}
  player.x = player.x -xwidth;

  player.y = player.y +ywidth;

  player.y = player.y +ywidth;

  player.x = player.x +xwidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.x=player.x -1;}
  player.x = player.x -xwidth;

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  player.x = player.x +xwidth;

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;
  if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y +1;}
  player.y = player.y +ywidth;

  player.x = player.x -xwidth;

  player.x = player.x -xwidth;

  player.y = player.y -ywidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y +1;}
  player.y = player.y +ywidth;

  player.x = player.x +xwidth;

  player.x = player.x -xwidth;

  player.y = player.y +ywidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y -1;}
  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  player.x = player.x +xwidth;
  player.x = player.x +xwidth;

  player.y = player.y +ywidth;
    if (GetWalkableAreaAt(player.x - GetViewportX(),player.y - GetViewportY())==0) {player.y=player.y -1;}
  player.y = player.y -ywidth;

  player.x = player.x -xwidth;


  if (thrust==0){

    if (walkingani>0){
      if ((xm!=0)||(ym!=0)) {if (player.View!=walkingani) {player.LockView(walkingani);
      player.Animate(0,walkanispeed, eRepeat, eNoBlock, eForwards);}}

      if ((xm==0)&&(ym==0)) {player.UnlockView();}

  //set direction

  if (eightdir==0){

    if ((left==1)||(right==1)||(up==1)||(down==1)){

      if (thrust==0){

        if (ym>0) {if ((left==0)&&(right==0))  {dir=0;}}
        if (xm<0) {if ((up==0)&&(down==0))  {dir=1;}}
        if (xm>0) {if ((up==0)&&(down==0))  {dir=2;}}
        if (ym<0) {if ((left==0)&&(right==0))  {dir=3;}}

        if ((ym>0) && (player.Loop==3))  {dir=0;}
        if ((ym<0) && (player.Loop==0))  {dir=3;}
        if ((xm>0) && (player.Loop==1))  {dir=2;}
        if ((xm<0) && (player.Loop==2))  {dir=1;}

  if (eightdir==1){

    if ((left==1)||(right==1)||(up==1)||(down==1)){

      if (thrust==0) {
        if ((xm>0)&&(ym==0)) {dir=2;}
        if ((xm<0)&&(ym==0)) {dir=1;}
        if ((xm==0)&&(ym>0)) {dir=0;}
        if ((xm==0)&&(ym<0)) {dir=3;}

        if ((xm>0)&&(ym>0)) {dir=4;}
        if ((xm<0)&&(ym>0)) {dir=6;}
        if ((xm<0)&&(ym<0)) {dir=7;}
        if ((xm>0)&&(ym<0)) {dir=5;}

  if ((player.Moving==0)&&(nodirset==0)) {player.Loop=dir;}

  if (player.Moving==1) {dir=player.Loop;}

  if (nodirset>0) {dir=player.Loop;}

  if (IsInterfaceEnabled()==0) {dir=player.Loop;}

#sectionend repeatedly_execute  // DO NOT EDIT OR REMOVE THIS LINE


I have a problem with the idle animation, when using Bernie's 8 Direction Movement module.
The idle freezes on the first frame.
I have tried:   cEgo.SetIdleView(4, 0);  ,but with no luck.

I think this is the code that's freezing it:
Code: ags


  if (thrust==0){

    if (walkingani>0){
      if ((xm!=0)||(ym!=0)) {if (player.View!=walkingani) {player.LockView(walkingani);
      player.Animate(0,walkanispeed, eRepeat, eNoBlock, eForwards);}}

      if ((xm==0)&&(ym==0)) {player.UnlockView();}

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