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Messages - straydogstrut

The Rumpus Room / Re: *Guess the Movie Title*
Thu 25/08/2011 19:57:10
Quote from: LUniqueDan on Thu 25/08/2011 13:03:48

One of the best sci-fi movie ever made by man kind. (After Blade Runner of Course  ;D ).

I have no idea what that is and I want to see it too so hurry up with the answers people! How could I have missed what is clearly a masterpiece?!
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Sat 13/08/2011 19:04:39
The Rumpus Room / Re: Happy Birthday Thread!
Wed 06/04/2011 00:19:01
Aww! Happy belated birthday wishes Sughly, hope you did something nice=)
A windmill and two egg cups (I'm innocent and sweet so I am..)
Welcome to the forums TonyJ (and csaboo). Both good points I think Tony, although I personally haven't gotten beyond my initial ideas in all my time on the boards so I haven't had hands-on experience with the manual/plugins much. Maybe you should repost on one of the other boards and get a discussion going? Not sure which, maybe Adventure-related Talk and Chat or General Discussion. Probably wise to have a search for existing topics first though.

Sounds like you've already made a lot of progress, I look forward to seeing your finished game.

The AGS Awards are tonight at 21:00 GMT, why not stop by on IRC or using the interactive game version Dualnames and Wyz made?=)
Welcome to the forums David, I look forward to seeing what you're working on. Thanks for the heads up about - looks like a bookmarking site I could actually use since Delicious just doesn't work for me.
From a fellow Scot living south of the border, welcome!

Have fun discovering AGS=)
Welcome to the forums!

I look forward to your creations=)
Awesome Jim, works like a charm. Thanks=)
@Mods You're very welcome. I just ripped them off the dvds and chopped them up in Audacity. Other than that, i'm a bit clueless when it comes to sound editing, so i'm glad they turned out okay. I'll edit the links out in a couple of days, just let me know if you need them again.


I have a question of my own now. I'm posting here since I suspect this has been asked many, many times before, but I can't find an answer in the forums, sorry, and the search function crashes on me quite frequently=S

I want to know what programs folks would recommend for animating their sprites for showing on the forum? Not worried about in AGS since it handles it anyway, but how do people generate their gifs for competitions etc?

I know there's at least two huge topics on drawing applications and i've been through most of the ones that export gifs already, but i've had issues with each. I would normally use Photoshop > ImageReady i guess, but my computer's away for repair and i'm stuck with the crappy family pc until next week. So I've been trying to find some free alternative, preferably something that has layers and onion-skinning (I don't know how people make sprites without it in MSPaint anyway?)

Two that have come close are GraphicsGale and Pencil, and i've made all my frames in GG, but the free version of GG doesn't do gifs and I can't get the transparent backgrounds to export for some reason. Pencil is nice but a bit rough around the edges and artefacts appear when moving stuff around. I've gone through so many others, i've lost count now.

So, what would people suggest for exporting animations to show on the forum?

Thanks all
Quote from: Stupot on Sat 19/06/2010 20:27:12
I'm sure there were other animals that laid eggs long before the chicken was invented.

Lol, I like that: invented. I have visions of Blade Runner-style robotic chickens everywhere..
Hi Mods,

Let me know if these are suitable:






DIC Logo - No luck so far, sorry. Unfortunately we don't seem to have any of the films/shorts listed as being produced by DIC (now Cookie Jar Entertainment), so unless you can suggest another film, it's a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, sorry. But I haven't really looked online yet, so maybe you could get it off YouTube?

Haven't done this yet so I guess I should introduce myself here.

I'm a 27 year old guy from Scotland, now living in England with my partner, her family, and our three cats (aww!). I've just recently finished a games design degree so hopefully i've managed to remember a thing or too, but no promises!

I go by the alias 'straydogstrut' now, though I still show up as 'Rambo' on some sites (No resemblance! A friend gifted it to me years ago). It's also the title of my near-five year old blog and a reference to my all-time favourite anime: Cowboy Bebop. I absolutely love anime, and animation in general, as well as anything sci-fi. Oh and i'm always on the look out for recommendations so feel free=)

I'm a complete newcomer to adventure games reallly. I can count the number of commercial titles i've played on both hands. Honestly. In fact, despite the many games i've played in other genres, there are whole swathes of games that i've missed out on thanks to my humble gaming origins (no Nintendo consoles *gasp*). But thankfully my love of retro games means that there's a banquet of past titles for me to feast on, one game at a time, so i'm now making up for lost time. (That and I don't have any next gen consoles!) My gaming tastes are changing too and i'm now opening my eyes to adventure games (and my jaw's already on the floor seeing the stuff around here).

I was bitten by the adventure bug in my first year at uni when we had to design an adventure game for the DS, and became enraptured with the reviews and articles over at Quandaryland (now hosted at I think i've known about AGS for longer than that, but i've never actually sat down to learn it, and i've also messed around with Inform7 and TADS on and off. I've used other game making tools before too, such as DarkBASIC, Director MX 2004, and most recently Unity.

Now I have more free time (unemployment, woo!) I want to make some adventure games, one of the first being that DS game, with another to follow. But before that i'll be starting small. My strengths - or at least my main interests (i'll let the community be the judge of my strengths) - lie in storytelling and (non-AGS) scripting, although i've dabbled in most things except audio really. Puzzle design is probably going to be one of my weakest areas given my inexperience with adventure games.

I considered using Unity for this, since i've been using it all year, but why reinvent the wheel? AGS has been on my 'to learn' list for years anyway. Plus, the community here is one of the best i've seen, and hopefully I can prove myself a worthy part of it eventually.

I'd like to think i'm genuinely friendly and approachable, but i'll leave that for you to decide. I'm always keen to meet new people anyway, so feel free to say hello.

Uh, yeah. So that's me.
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