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Messages - theatrx

I have a whacky idea.  I've created the beginnings of a game called Lock Up.  One Room..  it could be more if you choose.  If I submit all the code and characters and rooms... and the competition is completing the game...  Would that be a good competition to see who came up with the best game?  8 characters...  If you're interested let me know.  Steve
I've had this idea for awhile.  It's called the "Chris Jones working on a new version of AGS animation".  Hopefully, it would be part of one of the existing animation competitions... Sprite jam or whatever it fits in. 

It would last a couple weeks I should think and the winner would host the next competition.  I just thought it would be fun to see how people would animate Chris working.  No limits on colours and the size could be changed to fit what your idea is.

Here is the basic sprite

Critics' Lounge / Objects
Tue 31/01/2006 00:04:41
I don't know if anyone can use these but I posted about 50+ objects (transparent backgrounds) tables, bowls, art... stuff.

The link is:

I forgot to put the underscores in so I had to do them over... Here you go.
Critics' Lounge / Music and Sound FX
Mon 30/01/2006 20:06:13
I've written alot of music that I would like to make available to the AGS folks.Ã,  Everything is copyrighted since they belong to shows I've written.Ã,  If you use them stick my name in your credits: Stephen Storc

There are 50+ music files adding up to about 2 and 1/2 hours of music.Ã,  Many different styles.

They are all 11025 at 56k mono but if you want stereo, I've got those too.Ã,  You can email me on the forums.

The links are:

Also, I'm posting 100 Sound FX files that I've collected that you might be interested in.

There is all kinds of stuff from rain to guns to doorbells.

Enjoy. Steve (theatrx)
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