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Competitions & Activities / Re: SpriteJam (until November ...
Last post by mkennedy - Sun 19/11/2023 13:07:09
Quote from: jwalt on Sat 18/11/2023 21:50:31Worked something up for this, but darned if I can figure out how to link it. Used to be easy to do this, but now seems nothing I've tried works. Here's the link to the sprite sized image:

Edit: Figured it out, I guess.


Wallace Beery, aka Long John Silver, will always be "my pirate," despite Cap'n Jack Sparrow's best efforts.



Wasn't that actor the one who started the whole pirates going "AAARRR" thing? From what I remember he also played BlackBeard.
(EDIT: Nope, it was a different actor from the 50's I was thinking of.)
Please tell, which exactly part of the above you are stuck with, is that using the double click module, or scripting interaction with a hotspot, or instant change room?

I suppose that the problem here is that AGS hotspots do not provide "on double click event" kind of interaction by default which you could run.
But AGS supports custom "verbs". This is not very obvious, but they may be added by editing existing "Cursor modes", starting with ones called "usermode1" and "usermode2".

I guess this may be done like:
1. Choose one Cursor mode and rename it to "DoubleClk" or else what you think is appropriate.
2. Now for every hotspot that would support double click you may create a event function for this custom event "DoubleClk".
3. When using Double click you determine whether there's a hotspot under mouse, and run "double click" event it:

Code: ags
function on_mouse_click(MouseButton mb)
    if (mb = eMouseLeft)
        if (DoubleClick.Event[eMouseLeft])
             LocationType loc = GetLocationType(mouse.x, mouse.y);
             if (loc == eLocationHotspot)
                  Hotspot *h = Hotspot.GetAtScreenXY(mouse.x, mouse.y);
The Rumpus Room / Re: What grinds my gears!
Last post by Blondbraid - Sun 19/11/2023 12:38:35
It grinds my gears that whenever it's international women's day, you always see a bunch of guys complaining that "But where's the international MEN's day?!",
but there actually IS an international men's day, this very day, November 19, but none of the dudes complaining actually looked it up.
The Rumpus Room / Re: The Wordle thread (with sp...
Last post by Babar - Sun 19/11/2023 11:29:20
Wordle 883 4/6*


This is hilarious!
The Rumpus Room / Re: The Wordle thread (with sp...
Last post by Snarky - Sun 19/11/2023 08:34:54
Wordle 883 5/6*


Interesting or evil?

I actually experimented with lots of QUE*E strings without spotting the valid one, until I finally saw it when I entered QUEYE.
The Rumpus Room / Re: The Wordle thread (with sp...
Last post by cat - Sun 19/11/2023 06:53:34


Some time ago I stumbled over this word and thought it would be an interesting Wordle solution.

I'm using AGS 3.6.0 (latest patch), BASS, and Double Click V 1.0 module.

I'm trying to figure out how to script an immediate (or at least as close as one can get) change room when I double click on either a hotspot or an edge.

Seen this done in a few modern games using the engine, but for the life of me unable to figure it out and not been able find any posts on how to programme it with my configuration.

Any help is tremendously appreciated.
Still plugging away!  I finished all the basic character art and talk cycles, now I'm just working on the one shot animations.  They're not pretty but I'm finding working in retro pixel art incredibly freeing...also finally discovered my Procreate app's animation assist function that auto onion skins, so that's speeding it up.

Also got the intro done, and a bunch of the interaction responses.  I've got a four day weekend for the holiday and three day weekend after that, so it's looking good to finish, barring catastrophes!
Competitions & Activities / Re: SpriteJam (until November ...
Last post by jwalt - Sat 18/11/2023 21:50:31
Worked something up for this, but darned if I can figure out how to link it. Used to be easy to do this, but now seems nothing I've tried works. Here's the link to the sprite sized image:

Edit: Figured it out, I guess.


Wallace Beery, aka Long John Silver, will always be "my pirate," despite Cap'n Jack Sparrow's best efforts.



I've now made this game free (or PIYW) so if you fancy a nice relaxing (yet possibly stressful) game, especially one your younger relatives might enjoy playing with you, have at it!
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