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Competitions & Activities / Re: Fortnightly Writing Compet...
Last post by Sinitrena - Thu 16/11/2023 14:07:20
Quote from: Stupot on Thu 16/11/2023 02:37:21In this occasion though, considering the three of you had been discussing the themes in PM, it's not as though Rootbound has had much more of a head start than the others, so I don't really mind if the host enters in this case.

Two. I didn't participate in any discussions. As a matter of fact, I just now saw Mandle's PM concerning possible topics, because I hadn't logged in for a few days and for some reason I didn't get an e-mail notification.

Anyway, that's not the point, neither is a head start on the topic - it's the need in all contests for a neutral arbitrator.

I can't stop the host from entering, of course, but I'll repeat again and again that it is not a good idea, even in a little friendly contest like this one.

 Oh, and I'm already working on something, if I have the necessary time, it should be done fairly quickly. Love the topic!
Competitions & Activities / Re: Fortnightly Writing Compet...
Last post by RootBound - Thu 16/11/2023 13:43:03
We'll see what happens. I'll have something written either way, and if we get at least 3 other entries, I will post it as a non-entry.

Side note, not a big deal, but I realized I've never been clear about my pronouns on here, so, added them to my signature.

Does anyone have Bill DeBill? It was in the database years ago, but have been removed.
Thanks for the helpful replies! I think I'll use the teleportation of players to a new room, as I'll have to tackle this problem (probably) multiple times, and only have to hide the player(s), not all objects etc.
Quote from: Khris on Thu 16/11/2023 08:49:50@alzabel
Press F7 so the game is compiled, then use the Windows Explorer to go to the game folder, then to Compiled/Windows. In there, run winsetup.exe and you can pick a scaling method for fullscreen and window mode.
Provided you didn't change the relevant setting in the editor's preferences, this configuration is now used when you run the game from the editor by pressing F5.

I'd like to elaborate a bit.

AGS distincts game properties (these define game's internal behavior) and runtime config which tells how the game is run. Game author may provide default config, but players are free to change it using the provided setup program (or even by editing cfg file by hand).

In the Editor, there's a tree node called "Default Setup". It lets you set the config defaults.

You may also run setup application either by going into Compiled folder, like Khris explained, or doing "Build -> Run game setup" in the menu. This setup application lets you run game differently and experiment with settings, but be aware that anything you change there will be your personal settings on this exact computer, and won't affect your players.

More information may be found in the manual:
Press F7 so the game is compiled, then use the Windows Explorer to go to the game folder, then to Compiled/Windows. In there, run winsetup.exe and you can pick a scaling method for fullscreen and window mode.
Provided you didn't change the relevant setting in the editor's preferences, this configuration is now used when you run the game from the editor by pressing F5.

As for the resolution: 320 was the width used by games from like the late 80's till the early 90's roughly. If you want to recreate the classic/pixelated/retro look and yes, use pixel art, this is probably what you should pick. Use 180 as the height and you can use x4 or x6 scaling for fullscreen modes supported by pretty much all modern machines. (example: MI2)

For vector based graphics you'll want a high resolution, one where individual pixels are not visible. Same for hand-drawn backgrounds, or a cartoon style and the like. I'd probably pick 1280x720 in that case, since there's still lots of laptops with 1366x768 and similar resolutions around. (example: A New Beginning)
Quote from: Khris on Wed 15/11/2023 14:35:28If you just want to increase the window size, there is no need to increase the game's resolution.
Unfortunately the only relevant thing I have found is to set fullscreen or windowed mode from Build -> Run game setup...
I cannot find a way to set the window size in the "General Settings" tab. Is it something done in code?

Quote from: Khris on Wed 15/11/2023 14:35:28What is your goal here? Why do you want to increase the resolution in the first place?
In fact, I was just playing with the different settings to learn the engine.

Quote from: Khris on Wed 15/11/2023 14:35:28The game's resolution should be based on the kind of graphics you want to use.
Could you elaborate more on this please? Is for example a 320 x 200 resolution good for vector based graphics? Is it good for pixel art?
The Rumpus Room / Re: The Wordle thread (with sp...
Last post by Stupot - Thu 16/11/2023 07:51:23
Quote from: Khris on Thu 16/11/2023 06:36:30Edit: why does yours have black for the misses...?

I think it depends whether or not you have Wordle set to dark mode.
The Rumpus Room / Re: The Wordle thread (with sp...
Last post by Khris - Thu 16/11/2023 06:36:30
Wordle 880 4/6



Edit: why does yours have black for the misses...?
Competitions & Activities / Re: Fortnightly Writing Compet...
Last post by Mandle - Thu 16/11/2023 05:21:31
Quote from: Baron on Thu 16/11/2023 01:44:41
Quote from: RootBound on Tue 14/11/2023 16:15:30My understanding is that the hosts may also write entries....

Love this understanding of our hallowed rules.  Cue further debate!  ;-D

It was actually me that suggested that rule to RootBound for this round. When he said "it is my understanding" that probably meant his understanding was for this round. I actually don't mind if the host enters every round, but that's not the reason why I suggested the exception to the rule to him in this case.

The reason was that we have someone other than the usual gang who is potentially interested in submitting an entry.

Rootbound, feel free to write your entry and submit it. Like I said to you via our private discussions, if anyone doesn't approve of the host entering, they can just ignore that entry when they vote. The contest isn't even about "winning" it, really. It's just a motivation to write something every two to four weeks, and always feels good when something gets released no matter how few people read it. Well, it feels good to win as well, and the more participants we have, the better that feels as well.

I'm actually currently putting together a much-revised compilation of stories I have written here over the years into a short story compilation with hopes for some kind of publication. I wasn't even serious about writing the first time I joined this contest. You never know where bashing out a story every 2-4 weeks can take you.

Oh, and I finally have an idea in mind for MY story for this round... YAY!

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