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Hello guys, the Game works normally, i think that ti'm using a outdated versión of JAVA SDK (v1.7) i instaled the latest Oracle Java SDK (v20) and i compile ny Game with 3.6.1 beta, the link it's up, greetings to crimson wizard for the help. Now in Android works perfectly, no freezes, so we solve the problem!
Hi! I found a copy/paste bug in the latest version.

In the dialog editor tab, if I copy some text and try to paste it into one of the "option text" fields (using control-v), the text gets pasted into the SCRIPT instead of the option field.

For example, here I was trying to copy/paste the words "Yeah they do" into an option text field:

AGS Games in Production / Re: Melon Head; a fantastical ...
Last post by MIGGO - Tue 14/11/2023 17:58:21

There's a hint system built into Melon Head. If you press the 'meditation' button on the right side UI Melon Head will receive a colorful vision and a hint on how to proceed next. It's there to lessen frustration if you get stuck. The hint displayed will differ according to your progress (obviously) by taking into account what you have in your inventory, what dialog options you've chosen in conversations and sometimes which room you are in.

While I feel that putting a hint system into your game is sort of supplying the player with an easy way out and decreasing difficulty a lot, I've appreciated some of the hint systems found in point and click games that I've played. After all it's a decision of the players whether to use it or not. Solving a puzzle with a hint instead of a walkthrough also saves some self-esteem in my opinion.  :P

One of my favorite hint systems have been the telephone in Strangeland, because it's so well woven into the game world. Another was in Black Sect Remake, because it was very much needed (at least for me) due to the game's old school design. Also I remember Machinarium, which has a sealed book that contains a drawn walkthrough. You'd have to beat a minigame everytime to open it, which challenged you to still try a puzzle on your own if you couldn't be bothered with the minigame.

Good stuff.
Coincidentally we talked on Discord about this. There were few performance fixes for Android in version 3.6.1 recently, and also 3.6.1 overall works faster. So I suggest to try using 3.6.1 Beta for building games for Android.

One problem though, most recent 3.6.1 Beta contains a bug that prevents a game from starting. So for now please use following temporary builds:

I recommend doing a copy of your game project if you were working in previous versions (like 3.6.0).

Please tell if this newer version improved anything. If there are still problems, we'll have to investigate further.
Competitions & Activities / Fortnightly Writing Competitio...
Last post by RootBound - Tue 14/11/2023 16:15:30
Hello all,

@Mandle and I have settled of the following theme:

After the Fire

Something has burned. A meal? A house? A forest? Perhaps simply a piece of pottery in a kiln?
Or has it burned metaphorically - burning your bridges, torching your relationship, or anything else where a "burn it all down" metaphor would be appropriate.

The caveat is this: whatever type of fire event you choose, the story must take place after that event. The focus should be on aftermath, repercussions, fallout... whatever comes "next."

Bonus points if you can avoid a big dump of exposition, but those points will be up to the voters, of course.  ;)

My understanding is that the hosts may also write entries, but we'll see whether I have enough time.

Deadline is November 30.

Quote from: Khris on Tue 14/11/2023 15:45:13Can you give some information about your game?
What is the resolution? How big is the apk? How many sprites?
resolution: 1280 x 720
apk size: 319mb
i don't know how to answer how many sprites i have, but the game is like its loading constantly, even when i start the app, change room, click on menus, or do anything, same as the room load, when i walk, take some time to load the walk animation sprites, but when the walk animation loads, all go 60fps to the next sprite load, idk if i'm forgetting something...
Can you give some information about your game?
What is the resolution? How big is the apk? How many sprites?

Hello AGS guys, i need some help compiling in android.
well, the problem is: I managed all the JDK and Android folders, now the AGS permit to compile from the app, when i compile, generates the APK of the game, and all is ok,
When i put the APK on my phone (Motorola Edge 20 lite, wich has Android 12, or my old phone, wich has Android 7), and install the game is OK
When i play the game, it takes A LOT of time, loading the sprites (i think), even when i start the game too, it takes a lot loading the splash screen, or the menu, or anything, same as i change the room, or when i talk with a NPC, its freezed like a 2 minutes (load the sprite animation i think), same as i pick an item from the inventory, waiting like a 1 minute to load the mouse cursor...
can somebody answer me if someone have the same problem, or how to solve it?
i tried some configurations in AGS settings, but i can't make it run faster... :confused:


Hola chicos del foro de AGS, necesito ayuda para compilar en Android.
bueno, el problema es: administré todas las carpetas de JDK y Android, ahora el AGS permite compilar desde la aplicación, cuando compilo genera el APK del juego y todo está bien.
Cuando coloco el APK en mi teléfono (Motorola Edge 20 lite, que tiene Android 12, o mi teléfono antiguo, que tiene Android 7), e instalo el juego, todo OK.
Cuando estoy en el juego, tarda MUCHO tiempo cargar los sprites (creo), incluso cuando inicio el juego también, lleva mucho cargar la pantalla de presentación, el menú o cualquier cosa, igual que cambio de rooms, o cuando hablo con un NPC, se congela como 2 minutos (creo que carga la animación del npc), tambien cuando elijo un elemento del inventario, esperando como 1 minuto para cargar el puntero del mouse...
¿Alguien puede responderme si alguien tiene el mismo problema o cómo solucionarlo?
Probé algunas configuraciones en AGS, pero no puedo hacer que se ejecute más rápido.. :confused:
Quote from: AndreasBlack on Tue 14/11/2023 14:34:56I would say add two backgrounds in the room. One that is black and one that's normal.

1. That won't hide any objects or characters in the room.
2. Adding this to any room where dialog may take place will unnecessarily increase the size of each room file. In case you need a room bg filled with color, it's more efficient to use DrawingSurface and color them by a script command.
I would say add two backgrounds in the room. One that is black and one that's normal.

function room_Load() add the main bakground, so the game doesn't flip between the bakgrounds like an animation!

Code: ags
SetBackgroundFrame(0); //Main BG 

Then before the dialog starts go forexample in the function NPC_Character_AnyClick()             

Code: ags
oObject0.Transparency=100; //object 0 is just an example. Match with your objects..
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