Started by LimpingFish, Fri 13/04/2012 01:35:33

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Welcome to the Recruitment Board. This board replaces the old "Recruit a Team" thread, though that thread will remain available to view for archive purposes.

Do you have a project you need help with? Looking for an artist or a musician? Perhaps you want to assemble a crack team of fellow AGSers to help you accomplish your life's dream of releasing the first game dedicated to the history of the spork?! Or perhaps you're working on something outside AGS, and you're looking for some talented people to help realise your vision?

This is the board for you!


1. "I have an AGS project, and I'm looking for people to help me!"

Then you should start a thread, using the [AGS HELP WANTED] thread prefix, detailing your project and the positions you have available. Ideally, it should be a project you are serious about, and one that you have already built a solid foundation to work from. If your project is still in the "idea" phase, why not see about working with some people from the "Offer Your Services" area of the board, before beginning your recruitment drive. For an example of the correct way to start a thread, please take a look at "Bovine Intrusion".

2. "I have a non-AGS project, and I'm looking for people to help me!"

Then you should start a thread, using the [NON-AGS HELP WANTED] thread prefix, detailing your project and the positions you have available. For an example of the correct way to start a thread, please take a look at "Bovine Intrusion".

3. "I'm a coder/artist/musician/other, and I want to offer my services!"

Then you should add your details to the appropriately named "Offer Your Services" thread. Try to be as specific as you can about your abilities and about the amount of work you are willing to do.

4. "I'm a commercial coder/artist/musician/other, and I want to offer my services for pay!"

This is fine.*

*However!...The "Offer Your Services" thread is not to be abused, or subjected to repeated, spam-like posting. A single post detailing your services will suffice. Extraneous posts will be deleted.


1. DO be as specific as you can be when detailing your project and when asking for help. If you can't be bothered, then don't post.

2. DO specify whether people can openly reply to your thread, or only contact you privately via PM. It's up to you.

3. DON'T start posting in your own thread in an attempt to bump it to the top of the board. You run the risk of having your thread locked and/or deleted. Any updates should be added to the first post in your thread.

4. DO update your recruitment thread if the available positions become filled. Add the [HELP FOUND] prefix to the title of your thread when you no longer require new applicants.

5. DON'T abandon your recruitment thread.

   (i) If your project is dead, have the courtesy to let people know. Add the word "CANCELLED" to the title of your thread. Threads that appear to be abandoned will be locked at the discretion of the moderator.
   (ii) Forum inactivity for more than 28 DAYS (calculated from date of last known login) will be construed as thread abandonment.

6. DON'T reply to a thread if you don't intend to offer help. Recruitment threads should NOT be used for general discussions.

7. You may only have ONE(1) recruitment thread open at any time.

8. Thread prefixes are important! Make sure you are using the correct prefix when creating your thread.

9. The advertising of paid positions for both AGS and non-AGS projects is allowed.

These rules are non-negotiable. Ignore them at your own risk!

These rules may be updated in the future, should the need arise.

Good luck with your projects!
Steam: LimpingFish
PSN: LFishRoller
XB: TheActualLimpingFish
Spotify: LimpingFish

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