[AGS HELP WANTED] Writer and Co-Designer for Horror/Thriller-Adventure

Started by Digital Mosaic Games, Sat 04/03/2023 23:13:36

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Digital Mosaic Games

Hello everyone,

I wrote a rough script for a new horror/thriller adventuregame about Satanism, demons and Elisabeth Bathory.
It should combine fiction and history just like in the Gabriel Knight Trilogy.
The artstyle will be in a classic sierra-, retro-style.

Now I'm searching for a Co-writer/designer to help me flesh out my ideas, make some historical research, writing dialogs and come up with puzzle-ideas.
I can share my script with the current plot with you, if you're interested in a collaboration.

I'm the artist and director of the adventuregame "Metaphobia" which you can check out here:

You can contact me via email: tolgaocek@yahoo.de


Your game looks dope! I'm getting it now.

I was trying to do a horror mystery kinda game a while ago, and I'm not super proficient with the coding, I'm interested in the subject and i've been reading some hitchcock, king and lovecraft's short stories to sorta get ideas, as well as watching twilight zone, outer limits and the hitchhiker.


I'm interested in the topic at any rate, and I really like the style of your other game here.

Here's a longer video of my project that explores most of the stuff and mechanics I put in.

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