Searching and Profile Issues

Started by WanderingWizard, Sat 08/04/2023 10:03:09

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I'm having two annoying issues on the site. First is that I can't search for anything at all at any given time without the engine giving me the error "Your last search was less than five seconds ago."

The second is that I cannot update my profile page without having it tell me "You can't use HTML tags," even when I have deleted everything on the profile and tried to save the profile completely free of tags or anything else.

I'm sorry if these have already been discussed, but like I said, I can't search.


On the second point, there's a bug in this version of SMF where profile custom text cannot include certain punctuation marks.  Apostrophes at very least.


Goodness gracious me. Yup, it was using the word "I'm" in the "What can you help with" section. I didn't try to change that because they were already typed that way so I didn't think it could be the problem since that's already the way it was and I didn't want to have to retype everything. That part is fixed, and my profile is updated now.

I still can't search the forums without being told I just did that 5 seconds ago, even if I haven't tried searching for anything for a week. It happens in Chrome and Opera. I'm not willing to try to use Edge (lol).


Unrelated to the original search issue, but I figured I'd mention it here since this thread already existed:
it's really hard to search for single word terms. I don't know what the algorithm prioritises, but for example, if I search for "ports", I get inundated with threads and comments about "reports".
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We don't have any control over search, it's core SMF functionality.

However, in this particular case you could do "ports -reports" and it would exclude any results matching reports.

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