The Long Overdue Post Your Picture Here

Started by Helm, Tue 12/11/2002 22:15:19

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I'm thinking it's time for another pic from me. I'll post it as soon as I return from my pending traipse around campus.


Here yeh go.

Scary, eh? All an accident, I promise.

Me and a floormate at the Marching Band Social/Dance (grade 8 themed... that's why we look 'extra-special'.)

Why we look awkward, I don't know.

But now we are laughing so it's okay.

I will save you from the one where I look like a posessed demon  ;)
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |


Quote from: vict0r on Sun 28/10/2007 22:30:12
Dude, you look so much better and modern without that old haircut and beard! Grats :D

Modern you say... I guess that's a good thing then. Although shaving it every morning is really annoying.


I've been hanging around here long enough to post my picture:

I am just a shallow stereotype, so you should take into consideration that my opinion has no great value to you.



MATT!!! You have under a killing moon!!! How and for how much can I buy it from you?


Here I am near some French electricity pylon or something:






The Tower indeed looks all of the above! ;)

The Ivy

Wow SilverTrumpet, I looked a lot like your friend back in my marching band days (hairstyle-wise...yeah). Coincidentally, I played a silver trumpet too. And then I was a drum major for a couple years. And then I moved to Canada where nobody knows what any of these things are. :P


Quote from: The Ivy on Tue 30/10/2007 20:03:11
And then I moved to Canada where nobody knows what any of these things are. :P

Isn't it weird? You know, considering she's Canadian.


Yes, Ivy, thanks. :P You know, the really funny thing is that in some of your pictures you look like someone I went to high school with. So creepy. And I'm fairly sure we're from the same area too. (AGSers map, anyone?)

Ummmm I'd like to mention we don't normally style our hair that way. :o It was for a 'special' dance, as I've said elsewhere.

I know what a drum major is.  ;D
| Ben304: "Peeing is a beautiful thing, Sylvr" |

Darth Mandarb

I haven't posted in this thread in years ... thought I'd give a recent pic (taken today actually):

The Dread Pirate Mandarb

Silly I know ... but we had a costume contest at work so I took part.  It was fun.



(I think you looked like a burglar more than a pirate in that black mask, suit, etc.)

And in order not to get out of the topic;
Games are art!
My horror game, Self




Me with a respirator, I just bought on, taken on Halloween. Actually, there's a huge story, involving pyromania, Youtube's "how to make a smoke bomb" videos and Chemistry lessons, but I'm gonna skip it this time. Just keep in mind, it's no fetish. Just safety.


Here's me with no chin at FujiRock in July.

And here's me a week later up Mount Fuji.


A BioShock moment..Here i have a Big Daddy on my side..Crappy pic though.

with a certain plasmid, they will fight enemies on your behalf.


Quote from: Tuomas on Sun 28/10/2007 20:28:10
Time for a piece of me. The first picture is me at UN day preparing for a freedom parade. There were quite a few people there, though more would have been appropriate, it was for good cause after all :)

Notice, that wearing that scarf with that jacket has got me lots of meaningful looks from men. For some reason I'm not that worried though :)

You smiling like that, and looking at the rainbow flag, it's no wonder you got some looks from men.

1) you're cute

2) you got style? (need more examples to really know, metrosexual?)

3) this picture looks more like you in a gay pride parade rather than freedom (the 'peace' words on that flag is blocked and at first glance looks like 'P-flag')

At least you know you look good 6_-


A scarf makes everyone metro. I wear it because it's getting cold here, in fact, it snowed this morning. Thanks for the kind words, but I'm not gay, at least not now. Oh, and the flag says PACE. That would be Italian for peace, but it's the kind of flag you see homosexuals hanging on theis balconies, only, upside down, colourwise and without the text :)


Yeh and I doubt the little girl carrying the flag would have decided upon a sexual orientation at quite such a young age.


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