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Release Date 31 August 2009
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Drama
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 3,752 All Time


I am the last of the treasure hunters.

I've spent my whole life finding treasure: not boring ordinary treasure, real treasure, under mountains, in dark jungles, at the very ends of the earth. You'd think I'd be rich, but I'm not. It usually gets taken away. Museums get rich. I don't. I just keep going. It's all I really love.

Not long ago I got an unusual call. Most people don't know I exist, except government interferers and museum curators, and a few real die hards of treasure hunting who wish the good old days would come back. They won't. But I digress. I got a call from a man called Lord Fern, asking me to find a something for him. It's not something I ever do, find things for other people, but I've been getting bored and tired with my usual expeditions, and besides I haven't been on a usual expedition for over a year now. I'm beginning to fear that there isn't anything left for me to find.

So I accepted.

[Now with French translation!]

discordance Well, everything

leshaussebons French translation
Beasts everything but music
Lone Case 3: Showdown Voice Actor
The wife who wasn't there French translation
Trance-Pacific French translation

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Pick of the Month

February 2010

Well, its the time of year to pick a deserving game that missed out on any AGS Award nominations and such a game is How They Found Silence. Not a visual masterpiece, but very atmospheric and with a good plot and characters it proves that you don't have to draw like Da Vinci to make a good game. The name always makes

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15 votes

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Showing 5 of 8 comments

By cacaro on 30 August 2016

A good game with a fantastic atmosphere, an interesting story (though the ending was rather disappointing) and an adequate length. On the negative side, puzzles are too easy and there's too much backtracking for such a small gameworld.

By FlyingMandarine on 23 July 2013

How They Found Silence starts with a premise that's interesting enough. However, the writing doesn't leave much room for character development, and the story ends up not that compelling, mainly because there isn't that much atmosphere. As a result, I didn't really enjoy the game, unfortunately!

I think you should have included some of the scenes you skipped (dinner every night at the mansion, for instance) in order to build your characters. Also, adding some basic animations would have been welcome; clouds in the sky, the flowers moving because of the wind, etc.

Good luck for your next games!

By Biges on 26 March 2010

Nice game with well made script. The graphics is probably its weakest point.

By leshaussebons on 7 March 2010

Very nice game I must say.
The story, puzzles and dialogs were great. I was into this.

THe lenght is good, despite of the fact you sometimes walk around before figuring really what to perform.

You should have worked harder on the graphics, if you had some "Shadow of the Comet" style backgrounds, characters and animations, you would have your game hit the top !

congratulations anyway?

By Domithan on 3 February 2010

It was okay.

Bad Stuff: Graphics were 'meh' at best.
Some parts seemed kind of strange, I lost a sense of what was going on once or twice. Walking through each room again and again was tiring. Also didn't understand why some elements were even included at all.

Good Stuff!: Puzzles were pretty good. Atmosphere wasn't too bad, music was also good. Overall, good gameplay and made for a nice something to do while I was bored. Keep up the good work.

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