Ratings |
Release Date 24 January 2010
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Horror
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 640x480, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,184 All Time


You're a geeky young man who stumbles in with the wrong crowd. In an attempt to prove yourself, you enter the mysterious and abandoned Acen Mansion.

Domithan Game design, Programming, Writing
Hope Testing
I Forgot Code, Story, Background Art, Animation
Living Nightmare
Living Nightmare Deluxe Music, Story, Scripting, Graphics
Living Nightmare: Endless Dreams Game, Writing, Scripting etc.
Living Nightmare: Freedom Coding, Graphics, Writing
Tomes: Layne's Discovery Scripting, Story, Art, Some Music

Kelma All Graphics
I Forgot Testing and Editing
Living Nightmare: Freedom Enhanced backgrounds; testing

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Good design & flow but difficult cryptic puzzles may leave some adventurers frustrated. Definitely worth a go if you do not expect to proceed through it too quickly.

Other Players Rated

6 votes

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Showing 5 of 7 comments

By Andy on 22 March 2020

Holy Cosmos! Most difficult riddles game I have ever seen (although I have never seen one before)

I did solve about half by myself, a further quarter with the help of the hints and tips forum, and the last quarter I had to surrender to a walkthrough page (to which I acknowledge that I would never have gotten the answer)

There was one riddle about a shield to protect you and a column which serves a purpose. The hint was that it can be popular. I was convinced the answer was ribs (protecting our organs) with the column being the spine, and ribs can be very popular to eat. I won't say what the actual answer was.

So yeah, can be fun, can be exhausting, depends if you like this sort of thing.

By azerty on 6 October 2012

Way too difficult. The hint system makes fun of you.

By Domithan on 16 August 2010

I know it may be weird to comment on the game at this point, but for those who haven't gotten it, the puzzles are meant to be looked into quite deeply. You very well may need to research the puzzles answers to solve things here and there. However, if you're still stuck on that first one, just read carefully, eh?

By bicilotti on 25 April 2010

Interesting idea, but unfortunately the riddles where generally way too difficult for me, requiring some knowledge (american history, literature) I admit I don't have.

By Valentijn on 29 January 2010

Nice graphics & music. The game is reminiscent of web-based puzzle games where you have to type the answer in the hyperlink to proceed, which can be very challenging and rewarding - but unfortunately this one is flawed in several aspects. The text parser is too selective, some questions do not really work if you're not from the USA, other questions aren't clearly phrased and the in-game hint system is never of any help. These things make playing this game more frustrating than anything else. There are lots of nice ideas in places though.

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