Ratings |
Release Date 29 November 2002
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Strong
Setting Contemporary
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Graphics 320x200, 8-Bit (256 Colour)
Downloaded 21,339 All Time


A poor ugly boy sick to death has a dream: He wants to contemplate the sea ones before his last breath...but his cruel father has kept him in the attic since his wife's death, wich turned him crazy.

This game is in french & in english.

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

Pick of the Month

November 2003

Mourir en Mer is a study in dreary melancholy, certainly the most moving story ever presented within an AGS game. In order to pursue his one goal in life, our cripple-hero needs to escape the attic room in which his vicious father keeps him a prisoner, an attic full of memories of his

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41 votes

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Showing 5 of 18 comments

By PuNKKoMmANDO77 on 22 October 2009

incredible , suggestive atmosphere and drammatich story like a film,
you must play this game!!!

By bicilotti on 13 January 2009

a bit pathetic and with mouldy puzzles, yet an interesting gaming experience.

By azerty on 12 January 2009

Wonderfull !! Nickel chrome!!

i stumbled upon

The game should be a bit longer, and have a visual end.

By naamlock on 2 May 2008

a very good game but I would have liked seeing a small animation for the end....

bien joué, ton jeu est vraiment trippant, ça fait plaisir de voir des bons jeux français ;)

By Exrael on 15 February 2008

God, I loved this game. It was so impacting that I'll never forget it, even though the duration was pretty short. I think the translation, even with a few flaws, made the game even better because of the way the main character talked. A line that stood out to me was, "Bread and water, they become nauseating with time." (not sure if I got that exactly right) That somewhat direct translation made the main character altogether much more pitiable and likable. Thanks for making this amazing game!
@AshkEnte: I nearly cried too!

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