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Release Date 17 August 2014
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Drama
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 1,323 All Time


“My name is Sam Drake… and for the past few months, someone has been trying to frame me for murder.”

Sam Drake keeps waking up in Hotel rooms with the bodies of dead girls in the room and the police never far away. He thinks that someone is secretly drugging him and then trying to get him framed for murder. He has had some lucky escapes, but this time, the killer has made it harder for him to get away.

Play as Sam Drake as he wakes up in the seedy Dent Hotel and help him discover the identity of his stalker/serial killer and escape from certain doom. The clock... is ticking.

Entrapment was originally available for the AGS Bake Sale, which helped to raise over $4000 for charity. Now it is available for you to play for FREE!

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

An interesting idea with lots of potential that could have been explored further by the game designer.

Other Players Rated

7 votes

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Showing 2 of 2 comments

By Sam Ferdinand on 24 July 2015

Agree with the AGS team. The theme could've been explored further.
I like the concept by starting the game framed with a gruesome murder only three feet away from where the character starts.

Puzzles are too elementary.

The largest downside with this game is the last part, which is extremely dialogue-heavy and overly sentimental. It needs heavy editing -- I ended clicking on my keyboard as quick as I could to get through the text, as it was easy to understand already from the start of that dialogue the whole story and what would happen next.

By shaun9991 on 18 September 2014

I enjoyed this game - short but not without twists and turns. Really nice interface and mechanics too. Recommended!


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