Ratings | x4
Release Date 2 September 2015
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Historical
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 640x400, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 2,125 All Time


In the 1920's Jacqueline White, aviatrix and adventuress, is hired by the Two Bad Pennies Movie Studio. Soon mysterious things starts to happen.

Ordinary download, zip-version

Mirror; version with installer

If you like this game you might also like Jacqueline White - Curse of the Mummies, http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/site/games/game/2067/

Download gives you a zip-file

Mirror download gives an exe.file with an installer

Downloading can also be done from my Website; grock.se, or from Gamejolt, http://gamejolt.com/games/jacqueline-white-bad-trouble-in-the-red-desert/96345

Grok art, story & coding

HandsFree music & coding
2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Music
AGS Awards Ceremony 2018 Music (fanfare)
AGS Awards Ceremony 2020 Music (fanfare)
Barn Runner: The Rich Dame Who Cut The Cheese (Bake Sale) Playtesting
Black Sect Remake remake design, scripting and music
Gateway Remake remake design, scripting and additional music
Night and Day (RON) Story, scripting and music
Oceanspirit Danish Music
Ponderabilia Composer ("Ponderabilia" theme, "Basement" theme)
Reality-On-The-Norm/Alternate Reality: Note to Self Beta-testing
Sheep Quest Music, testing
Summer Woes - MAGS August 2013 Winner Music
The Wicked Witch of the West Music, Coding, Concept

morganw proofreading & test-playing
Birdy Birdy Linux version
Don't Give Up the Cat Testing
Gateway Remake testing
If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers testing
In Bloom Menu Screen graphics, Beta Testing, and lots of advice
Lab Rat Maze! Beta tester
Sabotage on Noegato-Bas Testing
Space Cross: The BSG-Team Game story & Scripting
The Burgomaster Scripting and audio

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2015 Nominee

AGS Awards 2015 Nominee

Best Character
Best Freeware Game Created with AGS
Best Game Created with AGS
Best Gameplay

Pick of the Month

October 2015

Books are just words, right? Movies are just single frames played really fast, right? AGS games are just a bunch of rooms and objects, characters, and whatever tied together by some code, right? We all know how each works, especially AGS, but sometimes....and only sometimes in a very

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9 votes

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By stacygibbs on 22 October 2015

This is a wonderful game. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about it. In the early days of pc gaming this would easily have been a commercial title. Professional in every aspect. It's a keeper. Thank you guys for making and sharing such an excellent piece of work.

By MiteWiseacreLives! on 14 October 2015

A really neat game! It's got a great blend of puzzles, a story that holds your attention to the end of the mystery and an art style that is minimalist at times but puts your eyes right on focus (loved the cutscenes!). I played the original release version, the only downside was that I wanted to examine more background objects but they were static, I understand the current version has added interactivity (would take this gem from an A to A+)

By Blondbraid on 26 September 2015

This game is a definitive must-play for any fan of the classic Indiana Jones games with both adventure and mystery.

By Uziel on 23 September 2015

Outstanding game. Everything about this game and the way it played out drew me in. As Mandle said, fantastic in pretty much every way, with a healthy dose of puzzles, at just enough difficulty to give you pause and really think at times. This is up there as one of the absolute best AGS games I've ever played, along with Adventure Island and a very small few others.

By Mandle on 22 September 2015

Books are just words, right? Movies are just single frames played really fast, right? AGS games are just a bunch of rooms and objects, characters, and whatever tied together by some code, right?

We all know how each works, especially AGS, but sometimes....and only sometimes in a very long while...somebody manages to combine the words in a book, the frames of a movie, or the structure of AGS in just the right way to create magic...

The magic where the reader/viewer/player starts to forget the interface of words/images/game and makes the jump from their everyday reality into the world that the author has created for them...

This game falls solidly into the category of such magic...

The story, characters, gameplay, mystery, intrigue of this game just grabbed me instantly by the short and curlies and propelled me forwards. There was never a moment when I lost interest in knowing what the story was going to throw my way next...

And the puzzles: OMG BRILLIANT!!! Foreshadowing and logic used perfectly in almost every case!!!


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