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Release Date 2 December 2020
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics Other, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 381 All Time


Based on everyone's favourite pub admit-em-up 'Not Tonight', you must man the door at the 'Rain and Snow' pub which is as popular as it is badly drawn! However, the crowds keep coming from miles around thanks to the absolute tunes belted out every night.
Can you sort the underage from the of-age, the fake photos, unstamped ID's and chancers of this world without issued tickets? Are they even on the guestlist? In the immortal words of the bouncer if "Your name's not down, you're not coming in!"

Made in a month for MAGS November 2020 largely because I played the game 'Not Tonight' and wondered if I could code something like that reasonably quickly. 'And could you' I hear you ask? Well, you can be the judge of that. <br />

2034: A.C. (After Canada) II [Bake Sale 2] Music
Colin Simpson Leaves Employment Pretty much everything
Flophouse Hijinks (Deluxe Edition) Music and Playtesting
Lost In The Woods Music -- Lost in the Woods Suite
Pride & Relatives Pretty much everything
The Penthouse Pretty much everything
The Samaritan Paradox Testing

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2020 Nominee

AGS Awards 2020 Nominee

Best Non Adventure Game Created with AGS

AGS Panel Rating

This is a game in the vein of "Papers, please". Well done with challenging gameplay, though by nature repetitive.

Other Players Rated

6 votes

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Showing 5 of 5 comments

By Creamy on 3 January 2021

Nicely done. I stopped when I had to check the names on the VIP list because it started to feel too much like real work. It felt so believable that I wonder if it was created from experience.

By Racoon on 10 December 2020

It is refreshing to play an AGS game that is bit different from the standard point and click games once in while and this game definitly furfills this.
But it is a game about coordination and quick reaction, wich are sadly features that are not my strongest points.
It was fun to play this game nevertheless and I liked that there are different levels. And the music was kind of fitting the fast pacing of the game.

By TheBitPriest on 8 December 2020

This isn't the game I come to AGS looking to play, but nevertheless, there is a bit of brilliance here. Put this on a phone, spruce the graphics, and you'll have an addictive hit! This is a cleverly designed game that stretches beyond the default AGS template. Kudos, and well done!

By The Great Underground Empire on 7 December 2020

Fun game, fast-paced focus and skill test. Like Papers, Please for the Friday night drinking crowd. :)

By Sinitrena on 4 December 2020

Check Ids, look for a ticket, read the guest list...

This game can get stressful!

As this is not an adventure game, there are no puzzles, but that doesn't mean you don't have to use your brain. Keeping track of all necessary information (up to eight points in the last two of the six levels) can get quite challenging. But you will get better after a few tries.

Gameplay-wise, there's not that much to do, just looking at IDs, tickets and guest list and either allow someone entry to a club or reject them. The levels are timed and reuire a certain score to pass.

The graphics are functional, but nothing special, which is actually a plus in later levels when you need to quickly compare pictures on the Ids.

The music is not to my taste and I expected to get annoyed by it after a while, but it fits the theme and it did grow on me, though it can be slightly distracting at times.

This is a well-done game. Give it a try to see one example of the abilities of AGS.


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