Ratings | | x4 | x9
Release Date 12 July 2003
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | Occasional, mild
Operating System Windows
Setting Fantasy
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 42,546 All Time


Mortimer "Pib" Pibsworth wanted to become a magician for as long as he can remember. He even sweeps floors for one. But today, something is different...

Geoffkhan Music, scripting, sound
Apprentice I Deluxe Music, scripting, sound
Apprentice II: The Knight's Move Music, scripting, sound
Dr. Lutz and the Time Travel Machine Music.
Missing In Action music
Robotragedy Game's presenter
Robotragedy 2: Countdown To Doomsday Game's presenter
Super Jazz Man Music, sound effects, scripting
The Find Author
What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed Instrument Samples, Beta Testing

big brother Art, design, sound
A Tale of Two Kingdoms Sprite art
A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Deluxe Edition Sprite art
Apprentice I Deluxe Art, design, sound
Apprentice II: The Knight's Move Art, design, sound
Blackwell Epiphany Portrait art
Blackwell Legacy, The Sprites/animations
Gemini Rue Portrait Art
Indiana Jones™ and the Fountain of Youth DEMO Character art & animation
Indiana Jones™ and the Temple of Spheres Additional character art & animation
Super Jazz Man Design, dialogue, art

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2003 Winner

AGS Awards 2003 Winner

Best Animation in an AGS Game
Best Character Art in an AGS Game
Best Music in an AGS Game
Best Room Art in an AGS Game
Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2003 Nominee

AGS Awards 2003 Nominee

Best Dialogue Scripting in an AGS Game
Best Game Created with AGS for 2003
Best Gameplay in an AGS Game
Best Player Character in an AGS Game
Best Puzzles in an AGS Game
Best Scripting in an AGS Game
Best Sound Effects in an AGS Game
Best Story in an AGS Game
Best Supporting Character in an AGS Game

AGS Panel Rating

A solid adventure game with a pleasing art style and a wonderful soundtrack. The deluxe version, however, is even better!

Pick of the Month

August 2003

A new arrival lately, which has been highly acclaimed by players so far. A Lucasartsy take on a King's Quest 3 type game, the only complaint you'll have is that Apprentice is too short.

Other Players Rated

132 votes

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Showing 5 of 23 comments

By Pilpoilplante on 29 May 2015

Cute and good looking game, that reminds of the spirit of a good King's Quest... If it was doable in 30 minutes.

The puzzles are somewhat challenging for the scale of the environement, but you shouldn't spend too much time wondering what to do. I've liked it!

By gameguru on 21 June 2009

The graphics were great. The story was fair, and the puzzles were difficult but logical.

By oddsea on 28 March 2009

I'm new to the community. I honestly expected a much longer adventure, but this was marvelously done. I couldn't have asked for a better hour long adventure game.

I was very impressed with the humor! Makes me kind of jealous...maybe you wouldn't mind helping me out once my game is near completion in bulking out the script.

Two complaints-- navigating up and down the hill was next to impossible, and while the interface was very innovative, it was a hindrance. I found myself constantly right-clicking, hoping to change my verb faster. Also, the book inventory was interesting, but rather a hindrance as well, having to click the next button several times.

But good job! I hope my first game will be nearly this entertaining! (I'm definitely going for length, so hopefully the quality will come close to yours!)

By spanish_roboteer on 8 February 2009

The plot did not get to me, but Oh my gosh! what a way of using pixels

By AsimosVagan on 3 December 2008

Good plot, clever puzzles, nice sprites and backgrounds.

It could use some more jokes: the art style is light and clear, some items and puzzles are funny but the dialogs are a bit serious.

There is a minor bug (walking in the mountain) but overall, I think it is a really good game.

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