Ratings |
Release Date 23 November 2004
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | Sex scenes | Mild
Setting Fantasy
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 5,140 All Time


You are James Bond and someone kills you while you are in bed with Janine, you're current girlfriend. But you have luck. A man called A offers you the possibility to live again, but he wants you to do something on earth before you can live again. The only problem is that you're dead enemy Clawman has been offerd the same possibility to live again by a man called Z. And Clawman tries to kill you and to destroy the earth. Will you manage to give James Bond his life back?

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

The combining of really strange puzzles (a bomb made from chewing gum) with a serious atmosphere make it difficult to tell what the author's goal was with this game.

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8 votes

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Showing 3 of 3 comments

By Marion on 11 November 2008

I enjoyed it, it wasn't too difficult and the ambiance is here. A bit too short perhaps.

By Radiant on 21 August 2007

I found it weird to have a supernatural game with James Bond in it; the two don't seem to connect well.

By Totoro on 28 November 2004

Once again, a nice little mags-game by Sinitrena! I hope she will soon start making full-kenghts games :)


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