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Release Date 20 January 2006
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | None | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Investigative
Story Original
Play Length Medium Length Game
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 4,274 All Time


An old man lives in a lonly house. His wife has died some years ago.

One night he thinks that there's a burglar in his house.

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Showing 5 of 7 comments

By heltenjon on 17 March 2024

This old MAGS game is well worth a look. Despite annoying me a bit with a password puzzle, searching for a trigger to make the story advance, and an ending that I found misleading, there is a lot to love, too. First and foremost a story worth delving into, and also a set of devious puzzles. Recommended for people who don't mind difficult puzzles.

By Crimson Wizard on 29 August 2009

Very nice game, interesting concept and good atmosphere. There are few problems with graphics, however, some of the objects in game have wrong perspective (safe's door stands most of all when opened). Also there was a number of mistakes in english grammar... but that wasn't big deal anyway.

I liked the puzzles, they have sense; I should note though that colors puzzle made me quite irritated: it seems that color circle found in game is drawn a bit incorrect, when I tried to follow this hint I couldn't solve puzzle, but then I just opened my graphical editor and checked color circle there and then solved it in a moment :).

I should specially mark selection of soundtrack. It's the second game (by Sinitrena) I played, and both have music appropriate to game's atmosphere.

By paolo on 25 April 2007

Nicely done, and some puzzles that weren't too obvious. The ending was a disappointment, though. It could do with a denouement. The secondary character doesn't seem surprised that the main character has been able to do everything unaided.

By Rastis on 6 May 2006

Very nice game!
I feel sorry for the main character...
Graphics caused some unfortunate problems
(you couldn't really see the manual in the br)
But very nice!

By leshaussebons on 28 January 2006

This short MAGS game reveals real talents from its creator, it is very nice and well built.

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