Ratings |
Release Date 31 January 2006
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory None | Frontal nudity | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 4,580 All Time


Entry for the third One Room, One Week competition featuring cartoony graphics, innovativeish scripting and original story and soundtrack.

TK Design, story, scripting, music
_Access Music
A Gunshot in Room 37 Design, story, art, scripting
Alone in the Night Music
Barely Floating Scripting & Writing
Deflus Technical Demo Scripting help
Escape From Lurrilous
Lone Case 2: Scars Music
Pixel Hunt Beta testing
The Island Story, puzzles, graphics
The McReed Case
The McReed Case: Interrogation BETADEMO Game Creator

Pablo Art
Buna Wants Beer Everything except music.
Chalk's Quest Everything except music.
Craft Of Evil Simple Save/Load Module
Deflus Technical Demo Background art, GUI design, scripting, story
Educating Adventures of Girl and Rabbit Graphics, programming, design, writing
Lost In The Nightmare v1.1 Beta test
Lost in the Nightmare: 'Save Our Souls' Betatesting
PiXiA: Rainbow of Havoc Voice Actor
Unbound Simple Save/Load Module

Awards & Reviews

AGS Panel Rating

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15 votes

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Showing 3 of 3 comments

By jkohen on 2 April 2006

I liked this game a lot, despite that I was able to complete it in less than five minutes. The interface is by far one of the best I've seen in an AGS game, it's too bad that there aren't more puzzles and items.

By LimpingFish on 3 March 2006

I liked this game a lot. I especially like its lenght. To me it was the perfect lenght. PERFECT. LENGHT.

By jane on 1 February 2006

I found the puzzles easy and the ending rather uprupt, but not a bad one room game


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