Ratings | x1
Release Date 13 November 2006
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Strong | Frontal nudity | None
Operating System Windows
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Demo
Language English
Graphics 320x200, 16-Bit Colour
Downloaded 4,627 All Time


You play Joey Cormack in this short playable demo, as he arrives under very strange circumstances at an island which he (and you) will never forget! Solve a few puzzles, check out some boobies, wait for the full-game!! This is an LEC style adventure with a strange GUI :D PLEASE, this is a game for adult players 18+ so respect that! NOMINATED FOR BEST AGS DEMO 2006 (cheers! whoever bothered to do that!!! :p ) - THIS IS KINKY ISLAND!!!

2011: The full game is in production!

m0ds Design, coding, music & additional art

cornjob Background art

miez Additional art

rodekill Joey sprite & in-game comic

KANDYMAN Sexy lady sprites

Helm Promotional artwork
Moose Wars: Desire For More Cows 1.5 Terrain tiles and lensflare
Snail Quest 1 Creator
Snail Quest 2 Creator
Snail Quest 3 Creator
SOL Author
The Adventures of Fatman In-game comic.
The Crown Of Gold Author

Colxfile Beta-testing
Castle of Fire Highscore table
Earl Mansin: The Breakout Betatesting
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 40 - Trapped in the cellar v.3.1 English Translation
Secret Quest Remake Lead Scripter, Maze designer, Lead Play-

Bruied_Weasel Additional character art

SpacePirateCaine Saved Kinky Island
Blue Lobe Inc. voice acting
Draculator II: Byte of the Draculator voice acting
Kuma Story Art, Story, Scripting, Music, Concept
Kuma Story DEMO Art, Scripting, Story, Concept
Red Flagg - Don't Call me Blue REDUX Art, Programming, Additional Writing
The Samaritan Paradox Voice acting

Fawfulhasfury Saved Kinky Island

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2006 Nominee

AGS Awards 2006 Nominee

Best Demo

Other Players Rated

7 votes

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Showing 4 of 4 comments

By misterprickly on 2 August 2012

Can't get it to work in win7.

By mmenees on 16 May 2011

I really enjoyed the demo. I wish it had been developed into a full game.

By Makeout Patrol on 11 July 2008

I saw the name and figured that I couldn't possibly not download this, and MY GOD was that ever a great decision! This demo is one of the best AGS productions that I have ever come across. The puzzles are well-designed, the graphics are fantastic, and the writing is sharp. Best of all, this game manages to be extremely sexualized without being demeaning or offensive - sure, it's ridiculous, but it's not misogynistic, which is more than can be said for a large proportion of the games on this database. (As for the sexual content, I got a boner, so I guess it works.)

Basically, I realize that this looks appalling, but give it a chance - it really is fantastic, and absolutely worth playing. I realize that it's been a long time since it showed up here, but I really hope that this game gets finished at some point.

By m0ds on 15 June 2007

I thought this demo was brilliant actually. It got me extremely hot, too. And Scott Nichols is gay!


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