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Release Date 1 July 2007
Release Type Freeware
Content Advisory Occasional, mild | None | Strong
Setting Contemporary
Genre Comedy
Story Original
Play Length Short Game (can be completed within 30 minutes)
Graphics 640x400, 32-Bit Colour
Downloaded 6,446 All Time


Help Earl Mansin escape from death row in this fully voiced graphic adventure.

For more information, check out earlmansin.com


7/15/2007 - Version 1.1 released! Download it now and let 1.0 be die like the foul dog it is.

HillBilly Graphics, story & script

Svartberg Music

Colxfile Betatesting
Castle of Fire Highscore table
Kinky Island DEMO Beta-testing
Maniac Mansion Mania Episode 40 - Trapped in the cellar v.3.1 English Translation
Secret Quest Remake Lead Scripter, Maze designer, Lead Play-

Awards & Reviews

Image by 4KbShort

AGS Awards 2007 Nominee

AGS Awards 2007 Nominee

Best Character Art
Best Player Character

AGS Panel Rating

Other Players Rated

24 votes

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Showing 5 of 13 comments

By Michael2968 on 9 August 2015

This was a fun game with some pretty dark humor.

By Dataflashsabot on 13 May 2009

Excellent game! I don't want to contemplate how long it must have took to do all those animations, I can't even do a walkcycle myself.

Did you know this was included on a PC Format coverdisk, issue 226? That's where I got it from, too big for me to download myself.

One thing: Once you've thrown the brick the first time, it's kinda hidden behind the shards and it's not obvious to pick it up again. The bicycle tube was a bit of a pixel scrape too.

Otherwise, excellent. Hoping for a sequel!

By foxyfox666 on 9 February 2009

Hello, my name is Joel, from the french AGS forum.
I want to translate your game in french.
If you agree, send me an email to this address:


and I contact you. Thank you. :)

By sandrina on 12 January 2008

First of all I would like to say, that the effort to make this little game must have been incredibly high. Especcially the short video animations reach a high quality level and make the game very immersive.

Graphics in the game are done well, although faces and characters in the game don't have a lot of character in my eyes. All characters in the game seem to have quite hollow personalities so I really didn't fall in love with one of them. But anyway, they are drawn in a very clean detailed way.

What I didn't like were the homogenic puzzles: Most of them were clichee puzzles. There were about five "open-the-locked-door-or-cabinet" puzzles. This is really a pitty, because it's just "fill-the-game-with-nothing" stuff.

Music was well sampled and fit very good to the game. The interface was comprehensible and clear as well.

The most disappointing thing about the game was the ending. I expected some kind of final message. But it just was finished when I managed to leave the prison. I think a short game like this one shouldn't be finished in this way with a "to be continued" sentence. The great credits video in the ending was just a very small satisfaction for me...

Also the quantity of blood and unnecessary violence didn't really fit and was kind of misplaced in my eyes...

So my final conclusion is "Earl Mansin" is a very detailed and perfected game, but it doesn't really have a soul. I prefer "Earl Bobby" to "Earl Mansin" after all...

By Barbarian on 20 December 2007

An enjoyable and hilarious game!

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