Does thinking view supposed to loop or just to play once?

Started by Gal Shemesh, Fri 07/07/2023 16:23:51

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Gal Shemesh

Hi everyone,

A small question that may or may not be a bug - does thinking view supposed to loop or just to play once? I have set a thinking view to my character, and use the player.Think("some message");, however the view plays only once and then stops at the last frame. Unlike the Speech view which loops forever.

I reached these old threads: this and also this one where people asked about it, but the questions remain opened.

Maybe not many people use the thinking option so it was forgotten?

Kindly let me know.

Gal Shemesh,

Crimson Wizard


QuoteIf the character has a thinking animation, it will just loop through once (it won't repeat).


All three cases sound like they might be xy problems; the bigger question is whether .Think() is a suitable solution in the first place.

Gal Shemesh

Thanks guys!

I was just thinking about the "think" option as an easy approach to make the character change to a pre-configured thinking animation VIEW, so I saw the thinking option suitable. Only that I didn't understand why it doesn't loop. Funny that I missed the '(it won't repeat)' bit as I actually went over the Character.Think section in the built-in manual.
Gal Shemesh,


Hot take: This is why Character.Think shouldn't exist in the first place.

Crimson Wizard

It's almost trivial to reimplement in script, this is a combination of
* character animating using particular view
* blocking message displayed

First may be done using Character.Animate, second using textural overlay, or GUI and Wait* commands family.

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