Character scaling while moving

Started by Ix-Star, Sat 25/03/2023 12:01:16

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Hi, i'm new to AGS and i wanted to know how to make a character scale lower or bigger while moving, like if character is in x, y posittion scale 50

I would be thankfull


If you select a walkeable area in the editor, you can edit the character scaling in the properties panel. If you set ContinuousScaling to true you can edit the min/max scaling of characters.

You can also do this via coding using character.Scaling.



The usual solution is to set continuous scaling on the walkable area in that part of the room. If you set a max-scale and a min-scale, the maximum scale will be used at the bottom of the walkable area, the minimum scale at the top, and it will gradually scale in between.

I also recommend that you check out the tutorial in the manual that is included with AGS, and also available online. It explains scaling here, and answers a lot of other questions you'll probably have as a newcomer.

If you want a more advanced effect (like gradually scaling if you move horizontally), you will have to script it.

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