NPC Animation Sequence Issue

Started by Terminator2, Wed 08/02/2023 00:43:26

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Hello everyone,

I need some help resolving an issue with the following code. Now what I want is to have my NPC (the librarian) randomly walk to various locations and then when he gets to the spot, he needs to perform an animation. I can get it working for the most part but the animation doesn't work when I use the eNoBlock parameter. In other words, the librarian just stands there. Here's the code in the room repeat function:

Code: ags

if (TimerStart == true) {
    location = Random(0); // Randomize 9 numbers
    TimerStart = false; // Stop timer from randomizing
  if (TimerStart == false) { // If timer is paused then send librarian to location
    if (cLibrarian.Moving) {
      // If librarian is moving do nothing
    } else {
      if (location == 0) {
        if (Walked == false) {
          cLibrarian.Walk(444, 229, eNoBlock, eWalkableAreas);
          if (cLibrarian.Moving == true) {
          } else {
            Walked = true;
            cLibrarian.Animate(2, 5, eOnce, eNoBlock, eForwards);
            if (cLibrarian.Animating == true) {
            } else {
              Walked = false;
              TimerStart = true;

There are normally 9 locations but for testing purposes, I just have it as 0.
When I do debug and the engine gets to the Animate command it goes and loops around through the GlobalScript repeatable
and doesn't come back to the room repeatable.

If I do the eBlock parameter it works but I can't control Ego.



I'm relatively sure that .Moving an/or .Animating might not immediately become true, they might only be true in the next frame.

You can try rewriting the code like this:
Code: ags
  if (cLibrarian.Moving || cLibrarian.Animating) return;

  if (TimerStart) {
    location = Random(0); // Randomize 9 numbers
    TimerStart = false; // Stop timer from randomizing
    Walked = false;

  if (location == 0) {
    if (cLibrarian.x == 444 && cLibrarian.y == 229) Walked = true;
    if (!Walked) {
      cLibrarian.Walk(444, 229, eNoBlock, eWalkableAreas);
    cLibrarian.Animate(2, 5, eOnce, eNoBlock, eForwards);
  Walked = false;
  TimerStart = true;

The main difference is basically that the else branch will only run during the next frame since the code keeps exiting the function using "return;".


I tried the code that you suggested Khris but it still isn't working. However, if I remove the return; from the if(!walked) statement the librarian performs the animation but on the starting point. If I remove the return; from below the animation statement the librarian only walks to the designated location.

So basically, I'm getting either one but not both as I wanted. I also tried a while loop to see if I can get the result but still nothing.

Any ideas, anyone?


Are you sure you included line 1 of Khris's code? What you describe would be the expected behavior, I think, without that line, because you would be restarting the walk or animation every frame, which would block it from ever progressing.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Khris on Wed 08/02/2023 09:01:45I'm relatively sure that .Moving an/or .Animating might not immediately become true, they might only be true in the next frame.

No, they immediately tell the current state, otherwise you won't be able to write a code like:
Code: ags
player.Animate(... ,eNoBlock);
while (player.Animating)


I entered the code like this:
Code: ags

  if (cLibrarian.Moving || cLibrarian.Animating) {

  if (TimerStart == true) {
    location = Random(0); // Randomize 9 numbers
    TimerStart = false; // Stop timer from randomizing
    Walked = false;

  if (location == 0) {
    if (cLibrarian.x == 444 && cLibrarian.y == 229) {
      Walked = true;
    cLibrarian.Animate(2, 5, eOnce, eNoBlock, eForwards);
    if (!Walked) {
      cLibrarian.Walk(444, 229, eNoBlock, eWalkableAreas);
  Walked = false;
  TimerStart = true;

If I remove the first line then the librarian just walks in the initial spot forever.


Quote from: Terminator2 on Wed 08/02/2023 00:43:26I can get it working for the most part but the animation doesn't work when I use the eNoBlock parameter. In other words, the librarian just stands there.

That's because you're calling the animate command over and over again, 40 times a second. In your code you don't check if the librarian's animation already started.

I came back to your first code and tried to change it to make it work. Aside from checking the animation I also got rid of the walked variable and tried to make the code shorter. It's untested though and I'm not sure if it (immediately) works.

Code: ags
if (TimerStart == true && !cLibrarian.Animating) { // only called after the librarian's animation stopped
    location = Random(0); // Randomize 9 numbers
    TimerStart = false; // Stop timer from randomizing
if (TimerStart == false) { // If timer is paused then send librarian to location
  if (!cLibrarian.Moving) {
    if (location == 0) {
      if (cLibrarian.x != 444 || cLibrarian.y != 229) { // send librarian to location
        cLibrarian.Walk(444, 229, eNoBlock, eWalkableAreas);
      if (!cLibrarian.Moving && !cLibrarian.Animating) { // if he's not moving (anymore) and not animating (yet), animate him
        cLibrarian.Animate(2, 5, eOnce, eNoBlock, eForwards);        
        TimerStart = true;


Thank you so much, Matti. I tried your code and it works. I also want to thank you, Khris, as you did give me a better understanding of coding for other parts of my game. Thanks, everyone.

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