Dreams in the Witch House

Started by Snarky, Mon 05/06/2023 08:47:39

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I'm getting fed up with the rat, and I wonder if there is some way to deal with it or if the constant frustration is meant to be an unavoidable part of the game.

Whenever I try to poison it, it just eats the plank and bites me, with no apparent ill effect of the poison.


Yes, it's possible to get rid of the rat, but...
it will require several doses of poison

You can also limit the the disturbances by...
boarding up the hole, using earplugs or sleep medicine, or leaving the lights on

Dreams in the Witch House on Steam & GOG


Have you managed to explore other areas in the game before getting tired or sick? I am stuck at the beginning of the game with trying to tackle the exam, have a date with a student, needing to finish job to make money, getting tired or sick, trying to sleep, etc.

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