How can I search free text in manual?

Started by jumpjack, Mon 09/01/2023 17:27:27

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This google query should return any page containing "createfrom" substring, but id does not work with

site: CreateFrom

Maybe there is some access flag to be enabled on github?

And I cannot search free text in the searchbox of the usermanual , as it returns "no match".

So how do I search for free text?


What are you trying to search for exactly, there' no match for that in the manual, google doesn't find = correct. What's the final outcome on this new thread question?
Life isn't a game. Let's develop a life-like-game.

Crimson Wizard

This looks like some possible issue with the search in both cases, because there are several "CreateFrom***" functions belonging to DynamicSprite.
Maybe it cannot reliably search for parts of function names.


Quote from: Nahuel on Mon 09/01/2023 17:47:25What are you trying to search for exactly, there' no match for that in the manual, google doesn't find = correct. What's the final outcome on this new thread question?
It's the opposite of what you say.

And it looks like its a github "feature":
"Currently, we do not support substring matching in our search"


You can either use F1 and search in the Editor manual or in the online manual you can go to the index and go from there.

If what you want is from dynamic sprite you can go to the dynamic sprite page there. You can probably also just write it in the script editor, highlight and press f1.

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: eri0o on Mon 09/01/2023 20:13:02You can either use F1 and search in the Editor manual

It does not search for the parts of function names in the offline manual either, for some reason.


I created a script which turns the raw .md files of the AGS manual into a single, searchable HTML file, you can find it here:

The html file created is very raw: no styles, just the raw output of pandoc tool applied to all single .md files,  but all links (both internal and external) are active.

The final result is available here:

If anybody can suggest an Unix equivalent for the DOS batch file which creates the html  files from .md files, I can add it to my page.

The DOS batch file is as follows, and must be save in same folder of .md files:

Code: ags
for /r .\ %%M in (*.md) do (
  pandoc %%M -o %%~nM.html

Of course the final objective is just to make the whole manual searchable for free text.
Now I know that there are 51 occurrences of "createfrom" and 320 of "dynamic"  ;)


Wait a moment... I also just found a solution for both the issues of online manual not finding substrings and CHM engine not finding substrings!

Online manual ( it's set by default for "full word matching", which can be disabled by clicking on the underlined "ab" in rhe searchbox.

CHM file: it needs wildcards! Searching for "createfrom*" shows multiple results.

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